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Song of the chapter: Last Goodbye by Zoey Lily

Song of the chapter: Last Goodbye by Zoey Lily

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MADDOX'S blood boiled with energy. The chanting surrounding him was exhilarating.

It made him feel alive and the adrenaline was rushing through his bloodstream, in absolute aggression and daringness.

Boxing was a true release.

As he sent one more powerful punch to his opponent, Maddox knew he'd be declared the winner. His opponent went flying backwards as the hard hit to his jaw sent the blood flying from his mouth.

It was in slow motion. Letting Maddox see how well of a punch he delivered.

The crowd saw the prideful look in Maddox's eyes as he sent an unnoticed smirk their way, the bandana covering his mouth and nose.

Walking off the boxing ring, he made his way past the cheering audience as he walked into the more secluded hallway. Making his way to his dressing room, he collapsed on the soft bench waiting for his muscular body. An arm over his forehead, he let his eyes close as he attempted to rid himself of the ache in his back muscles.

A sudden slam of a door being opened had him flinching and snapping his eyes in high alert.

"Someone wanting to see you," a gruff voice cut through the stilled and tense air.

Rolling his eyes, Maddox looked over at his bodyguard. "You know to direct them away from me and make sure they don't disturb me."

Nathan shook his head, "They know you."

Waving a hand in dismissal, Maddox closed his eyes once more. Everyone said they knew him, it didn't mean they actually did. What kind of bullshit was Nathan referring to?

"They always say that."

"No," Nathan's hard voice lamented, "they know you."

Realization dawned over Maddox as he looked back at Nathan in cautious uncertainty.

"Who is it?"

"Some girl," Nathan said with a shrug.

Maddox resisted the urge to slap Nathan over the head, "What did she look like?"

"Uh tiny, long hair and um her name is Eve? Or Eva. Something with an E."

Like a ghost possessing his body, Maddox was sitting up in seconds and calling for Evelyn to be let in. Why was she here? How did she even know about this place? Running his hands through his hair, Maddox felt like he wasn't prepared enough.

The conversation they had back at his house happened over two weeks ago. He kept the conversation short, telling her the same shit he spout the day when she first confessed that she liked him. She called him out on his bullshit again. He made it seem like she was just seeing things again.

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