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Song of the chapter: Sleep Talking by Charlotte Lawrence

Song of the chapter: Sleep Talking by Charlotte Lawrence

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EVELYN didn't realize that there was another fair in town.

"Wait so you're telling me we get to eat more cotton candy?!" her voice screeched out as the four of them sat in the car driving to what she now knew was the fair.

Tiana rolled her eyes. "Yes naive little Evelyn. That is indeed what we're telling you."

"I didn't even dress up though!"

Reese turned his head swiftly to glance down at Evelyn outfit. He took his time and it seemed as if he was shamelessly checking her out. "I wonder what you'd look like with that tank top off," he said as his eyes met hers. He wiggles his eyebrows jokingly.

Evelyn laughed as Maddox glared bullets into the side of Reese's face. Reese pushed Maddox's face back towards the road.

"Eyes on the road lover boy."

Tiana chuckled as Evelyn immediately blushed with embarrassment.

Maddox stilled.

"We're not together Reese," he bit back swiftly.

The car went silent as his words hung in the air. Tiana studied Maddox's stoic face before looking at Evelyn's dejected one. Glancing back at Tiana, Evelyn offered a tight-lipped smile. Turning away from them, she decided it was best to keep quiet and admire the view from the window.

Reese just sighed as he flicked Maddox's cheekbone.

"Way to make it awkward douchebag," he mumbled under his breath. Not wanting to stay in a car this awkward for another 20 minutes, he quickly put the radio on. He started bobbing his head like a rockstar as a random song came on and started screaming with the lyrics which it was obvious he didn't even know. Evelyn raised her eyebrows at his antics.

He's weird.

Tiana attempted to cover her laugh but she couldn't help it and ended up laughing so hard tears practically left her eyes. Evelyn laughed at Tiana's expression and soon enough Maddox joined in once Reese's screeching reached an all time high.

Evelyn snuck a glance at Maddox through the rear view mirror and she smiled at how his eyes crinkled slightly when he smiled. How his smile lit his whole face off.

She smiled because he was him and that's who she loved.


"It's bigger than the last one!" she screamed into Maddox's ear as she tugged on his arm to take them further into the crowd.

Maddox was unamused at Evelyn's excitement. He would've been shocked if she wasn't acting how she was.

Reese shot a look to Maddox. "Why is she so excited?"

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