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Song of the chapter: Reminding Me (feat. Vanessa Hudgens) by Shawn Hook

 Vanessa Hudgens) by Shawn Hook

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EVELYN felt peace when she was with Maddox.

Being asleep beside someone who you trust is not something Evelyn was accustomed too. She was always used to sleeping on the edge, waiting for the fateful moment someone hurt her again. She wasn't one to never look over her shoulder. It had become a second nature.

Although the couch was not big enough for a spacious amount of cushion for two people, she didn't mind. Maddox's arm was slung around her waist, bringing her impossibly close to his muscular body. Her back pressed against his front and she could practically feel his eight-pack through the thin material of his shirt that she adorned. His head was laying softly by her neck, occasionally his breath would tickle her skin and she'd shiver with delight.

She woke up with no sense of paranoia for once. She felt content in his arms. Their bodies molded against each other perfectly, as if each curve was made to fit like a puzzle piece with the other. His soft snores had her small smile becoming a full-fledged one and as he squeezed her closer to him, legs tangled with one another, she cuddled even more against him.

He hadn't woken up yet, but that didn't matter. She'd lay patiently until the sleep left his body for she only wanted to stay in his arms and if he'd pull away once awake, she'd wish for him to stay asleep forever.

She would die in that beautiful boy's hold.

Bringing her hands to toy with his left hand that was settled on her soft stomach, she carefully slid their hands together. She held it gently as she traced patterns on the back of his hand.

A soft groan emitted from behind her and she stilled as she listened to Maddox shuffle a little. His hand fell away from her waist as he used both his arms to stretch while he yawned. Her shoulders slumped a little knowing the warmth that kept her safe was no longer completely there. Not wanting to be dramatic, she slowly turned around before making contact with his hardened gaze. She bit her lip, a blush fitting her cheeks as she offered a small, harmless smile.

As the fogginess cleared up and he became aware of his surroundings, his gaze settled into a soft and gentle stare. It caused her stiff figure to immediately melt and relax. A small smile danced across his lips, but the smirk was more prominent. He brought his arm to snake around her waist like when he was asleep, before crushing their bodies as close as can be.

Luckily, he preferred no distance between them either.

"Good morning," he mumbled softly, his lips grazing the tip of her ear. She tensed once more as certain thoughts filled her head that she knew were not the most innocent. Bringing her hands up to settle flat against his chest, she tilted her head up before flashing him a genuine smile.

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