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Song of the chapter: Carry You by Ruelle & Fleurie

Song of the chapter: Carry You by Ruelle & Fleurie

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EVELYN walked as far as her tired body could take her. Her footsteps were quiet and light, signifying the exhaustion she felt. She sighed as she glanced up at her surroundings and the tears in her eyes blurred her vision.

Aimlessly walking around, she soon found herself standing in front of the warehouse. The same warehouse she had first had a proper encounter with Maddox, the same warehouse that resulted in their friendship. A small smile decorated her lips as she reminisced over the memories she'd always cherish of him.

Of the guy she had ultimately fallen so hard for, it was without a doubt a fact that she indeed loved him.

In that moment she regretted the breakup. She regretted it so much as she realized just how cruel it was of her to do that. To leave him alone when his mom had just died. To leave him to figure it out himself. He was never an optimistic person, never hopeful. The world was in black and white for him, there was never anything more complex. And she knew that leaving him at a time when he needed someone the most wasn't going to help him get better.

More than anything it most likely gave him the impression that everyone would leave. As that thought screamed itself in her mind, she winced at the headache that followed after.

Looking up at the building once more, she made the quick decision to step towards it and walk inside. Noticing one dim lightbulb blighting up a very select amount of the room, she also noticed the boy who accompanied the view.

Stopping in her tracks and holding her breath, she nervously stared realizing that this would be the first time she and Maddox would have spoken after she left him by the cliff four weeks ago. Everything in her mind was telling her to run for the hills and leave him be, after all, he looked like he enjoyed the loneliness. But her body wasn't listening and she found herself quietly making her way towards him.

As her small form made a shadow, Maddox jolted upwards in alarm. His gaze found hers and it was as if the world stopped. She could barely breathe, but managed to bring her hand up and send him a small wave. She offered a dim smile and it wavered as he refused to respond to it.

Taking the earphones out of his ears, he turned to pause the music playing on his phone before turning back towards her. They stayed in silence for a while until he cleared his throat and finally acknowledged her greeting.


He wasn't looking at her though. It's as if he refused to make eye contact with her, like she would see all his pain and unhappiness if her brown eyes found his.

"Hi," she whispered out biting her lip.

Maddox groaned at the action and she remembered how much her biting her lip turned him on.

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