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How He Fell has made it to the second stage of voting for the Readers Choice Awards 2020. Please please please go vote for the book in the Teen Fiction Category and show some love! I beg you!

Song of the chapter: Bored by Billie Eilish

Song of the chapter: Bored by Billie Eilish

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EVELYN sat with boredom as the diner had no business at night.

Evelyn used to think she loved having the solitude, but truthfully, she didn't. Sometimes, if it's quiet too often, one can go crazy because they'll start hearing voices. Just to make themselves feel like they have company, but in the end it's always weird.

Sighing, she furiously wiped another table as the time ticked agonizingly slow towards 1:00 am.

"Honey you okay?"Aubrey asked resting a comforting hand on Evelyn's shoulder.

Turning to look at her, Evelyn forced a small smile. "Yeah why do you ask?"

"Well," Aubrey started as her eyes flickered down to the squeaky clean table, "You're wiping down tables you already finished with. Something distracting you? You seem lost in thought." Her voice was concerned and gentle, coaxing Evelyn into revealing what's left her in dismay.

"I'm not sure," Evelyn quietly mumbled, "I'm just exhausted of everything I guess."

Nodding her head, Aubrey pursed her lips, "How about you go home? I'll lock up today."

Immediately Evelyn's eyes widened and she shook her head, "No no no it's fine. It's my day today anyways," she finished with a reassuring smile.

Aubrey playfully scoffed, "So what? Friends cover for each other. Go home Evelyn, you need rest."

Aubrey was convincing, but in the end, Evelyn was still adamant on being the one to close up. Evelyn knew she worked herself too much, but she also knew that if anyone needed to take an earlier shift so they could be home earlier, it would definitely have to be Aubrey.

"Aubrey," Evelyn started as she took her hand, "It's fine."

As Aubrey opened her mouth to interject, Evelyn cut her off. "I know you have to study for your makeup test tomorrow. The professor let you off with a warning last time, but if you don't do well on this test then it might be it. Plus you should get home to Riley. He won't be able to fall asleep without you and I know the babysitter left as soon as she put him to bed. No doubt he's sitting on the couch trying to stay awake in time for you to get home."

Pausing, she squeezed Aubrey's hand.

"Go home. I'll be fine I promise."

Letting out a deep breath she'd been holding, Aubrey blinked and shook her head.

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