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Song of the chapter: Saturday Nights by Khalid

Song of the chapter: Saturday Nights by Khalid

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EVELYN felt rushed.

It all happened too fast. There wasn't a moment for Maddox to prepare for the inevitable. He spent so much time trying to be positive for his mom, trying to live for his mom.

But how could he do that if his light was no longer there to live by him?

The moment it happened, everything spiraled downwards. Maddox locked himself in the metaphorical cage he had been in since forever. He stayed away from everyone else. His mother's death was difficult to comprehend.

It was hard to stomach, the fact that death takes away even the best people. It made reality so much more apparent. All of a sudden, Evelyn remembered everything wrong in her life, she realized how nothing had changed. She's with the boy she liked beyond words and that allowed her to forget about everything that caused her pain.

Malia Lohan's death was like a slap in the face.

It was shaking her out of the haze she had been in and now she saw clearly, she let herself be happy as if all her problems were fixed. What the hell was she thinking?

She hesitated to knock on the door.

The dark brown mahogany door that stood proudly in front of her. Behind that door would be the boy who was broken beyond repair. The boy she only wanted to help, to love. Biting her lip, she took a deep breath before letting her knuckles sound a signal of her arrival. She was tense and stared down at the ground, not wanting to see the world around her, to see how everyone was living and laughing. To see how a good chunk of the population didn't even know Malia. How life moves on after death.

It was a morbid thought to say the least.

Suddenly, the door flew open with a brooding Maddox standing in front of her. Being pulled from her thoughts, she stared at him blankly. As she realized that he was right there, close enough to touch, to comfort, she wanted nothing more than to bring him into her arms. But she knew better now. She knew he wasn't available.

"Maddox," she nodded her head in acknowledgement, offering him a dim smile. Throwing out her warnings to herself to not touch him, she found herself reaching for his hand. Just as her fingers grasped the tips of his, he moved back abruptly. Her breathing seized and the pang in her heart was hard to ignore. Why did everyone always leave her?

If the hurt was noticeable in her expression, Maddox didn't waste the time to care.

"What do you want?" he stated annoyed. It was clear he didn't want to see her. 

She took a deep breath, "I just wanted to come see how you were. I haven't seen you in a week." It was true. Her contact with him had been limited and it was frustrating being away from the one person who made her feel the most comfortable.

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