Daisies For Delilah

8.5K 188 0

Song of the chapter: Then We Fall by Fintan


Eliana Sariano had a crush on Jasper King for what she could only describe as forever. So when he kissed her, it was like a dream come true.

Until suddenly it wasn't.

She steered clear of him after that, choosing to keep her heart closed and her mind bitter.

But the moment she almost got hit by a car, and the moment she clumsily tripped over her own two feet, Eliana didn't realize she might be finding a love truer than she anticipated.

A love with Jackson Bryant.


Hi guys!!!

Soooooo, in honor of you guys practically getting me to 100k on How He Fell, I have a lil gift.

No no it is NOT Falling In A Frenzy. Unfortunately that book is still on hiatus until I get my school life back on track. :(

Instead...drum roll pleaseeeeeee:

It's a short story! 11 chapters for your viewing pleasure. The book is called Daisies For Delilah and I'd love for you guys to go read and check it out!

First chapter is up already and I'll probably publish a new chapter every day, or every other day. It depends really.

Enjoy my little babies! Hope you love it as much as I did writing it.

See ya soon! Xx.

~ Shay

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