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How He Fell has made it to the second stage of voting for the Readers Choice Awards 2020. Please please please go vote for the book in the Teen Fiction Category and show some love! I beg you!

Song of the chapter: Lost My Mind by Alice Kristiansen

Song of the chapter: Lost My Mind by Alice Kristiansen

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MADDOX could hear the roaring scream. They were pounding at his ears, making him wince every once in a while.

Who was screaming?

Trying to move, he groaned in aggravating frustration. The noise was deafening and he felt like sinking to drown out the screams.

Please stop.

The voice was of a little boy, scared and alone. Afraid he'd never be rid of the situation currently taking place. The boy was whimpering now. Crying for the perpetrator to stop. Stop whatever they were doing.

Their pleads went unheard though, as the perpetrator hooked their hands onto their pants and pulled down.

The boy's screams grew louder as the tears poured down harder.

No. Please no no no.

But the perpetrator wouldn't listen. They wouldn't listen to the helpless child in front of them, who was about to experience something no child or adult should ever have to face.

Another voice was heard though. Calling out to the little boy, the voice was full of concern. Wanting to help the little boy who shook with fright. The little boy who shook from fear of his father.


The voice was soft, gentle, loving. Pulling the once little boy out of his childhood nightmare. His nightmare of a childhood.


Snapping out of the terror he lived in his sleep, Maddox opened his eyes and pushing against the bed to sit up in a hurry. Blood-shot eyes and hoarse throat, sweat trickled down his back.

That little boy was him.

Maddox struggled to regain his lost breath as he failed to calm himself down. A hand lay softly on his bicep, giving a gentle squeeze to let him know that she was right beside him.

Shuffling to get closer, Evelyn clambered over to his side. Resting another hand on his lap, she attempted to let him know she wasn't going anywhere.

How He FellWhere stories live. Discover now