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Song of the chapter: Capsize by FRENSHIP and Emily Warren

Song of the chapter: Capsize by FRENSHIP and Emily Warren

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MADDOX was trying to find everyone.

He grumbled as he fished his phone out of his pocket before dialing Reese's number. It was a while until the idiot on the other side answered.

"Dude where the fuck are you guys?"

"By the car," Reese explained, "We were thinking of heading back home and just watching a movie or something."

Maddox furrowed his eyebrows, "Not planning on staying any longer?"

"Nah man we're good to go. Especially after you ditched Evelyn."

He froze. He was quiet for a few seconds trying to think of something to says

"Was she," he awkwardly started, "was she mad at me?"

Reese sighed on the other end, "Of course not Maddox she could never be mad at you. And if she was she'd get over it quickly."

Maddox ran a hand through his hair, feeling slightly guilty now. "Then what's the problem?" he asked.

"The problem is that she's hurt."

Maddox inhaled sharply. The thought of Evelyn being hurt didn't sit well with him. It was like someone had driven a stake through his heart.

"Fuck," he cursed softly at himself. "Shit Reese I didn't realize it was that big of a deal. A girl just wanted me to go through the haunted house with her. I felt half bad. She said she wanted to make her ex jealous."

He rolled his eyes as Reese laughed on the other end. "Did you see her look out for her ex while she was with you?"

Maddox racked his brain for a moment when that girl wasn't clinging on to his arm.

"Actually no," he stated with a pout.

"And?" Reese questioned telling him to go on.

"She was a little clingy," Maddox muttered with annoyance seeping into his voice.

Reese laughed harder.

"Shut the fuck up asshole," Maddox grumbled out. "I'll be at the car in a few."

Before Reese could respond, Maddox cut the call and shoved his phone back into his pocket. He took a deep breath letting his anger show through as he started walking towards the parking lot. He was such a fucking idiot. He should've known that his actions were stupid. He wasn't thinking at all. Fuck. She wouldn't be too hurt would she? She'd forgive him. She always did.

He shook his head trying to clear that thought. No. He didn't like that she always forgave him. Sweet, innocent Evelyn. A girl with the most beautiful soul. And here he was always taking advantage without realizing.

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