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How He Fell has made it to the second stage of voting for the Readers Choice Awards 2020. Please please please go vote for the book in the Teen Fiction Category and show some love! I beg you!

Song of the chapter: You're My Girl by Mark Diamond

Song of the chapter: You're My Girl by Mark Diamond

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EVELYN groaned in annoyance as the sun's blinding light hit her with force. Sitting up, she sighed as she glanced around the messy room with clothes strewn about.

Aubrey was definitely in a rush.

Chuckling to herself, she grabbed her phone off the charger and her eyes widened as she noticed the time. It was 10:05 a.m and it had just occurred to her that she and Maddox were to meet for her 'second lesson' at 9 a.m.

She had him waiting for an hour and no missed calls, voicemails or texts reminding her. She had a feeling he didn't care too much in having her there so that must be it. But she was looking forward to hanging out with him again.

Lips pursed, she breathed through her nose and exhaled through her mouth. She was pondering over asking him to come over. Aubrey would likely be fine with it and Evelyn would then have someone to spend the day with whilst trying to keep the little kid in the room over under view.

Pressing on his contact, she waited for him to pick up. She waited and waited and waited. During all that free time, she managed to talk herself out of doing what she was already in the process of doing. As she was about to cut the call, he picked up.

"Oh no take all the time you need," a playful voice spoke.

Frozen in shock, she couldn't speak. Was anyone ever on her side or did God just want to see her face the stupidest idea she had so far come up with.


Shaking her head, she came out of her shock and embarrassment, "Um Maddox," she said with a nervous laugh.

"Yeah?" he responded drawing out the end of the word.

"Uh yeah I did forget...actually I just woke up and remembered so," she awkwardly started, "do you want to come over? I'm not at my house, I'm at a friend's and I have to spend the day babysitting her son."

The silence that followed just made the whole situation even more nerve racking as she tried to prevent her cheeks from heating up. He was taking a long time to decide which just fueled her regret.

"Yeah sure."

She blinked in surprise, "Yeah?"

"Yeah," he said, "Why not?"

She let out a breath of relief. Biting her lip, she looked outside the window across the room as a smile bloomed on her face.

"Okay," she said a little too cheerily, "The address is 527 St. Amber's Ave."

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