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Song of the chapter: Reforget by Lauv

Song of the chapter: Reforget by Lauv

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EVELYN was seething.

Who would've thought Evelyn Moreau, the girl beaten and bruised, to be angry and annoyed instead of moping around in sadness?

This was a different girl.

She was strong and had a backbone. Oh boy, certainly she had a backbone.

And she was fuming inside.

He had the nerve to pull away because things got too hard. Did he bother to think that there wasn't just him? She was there too. They were supposed to get through it together. Yet he chose to leave because things got too hard.

Rolling her eyes in annoyance, she stomped into school not even caring about all the attention on her this time. It had been about a week since Maddox and her stopped talking, stopped being friends. Just stopped being.

At this point, she wasn't going to be the one to apologize.

If it came to them making up.

Obviously she still remembered her embarrassing confession. The humiliation she felt afterwards. God that was the worst.

For so long, she kept to herself, never giving herself away to anyone. The one time she trusts herself and the person she admitted something to, it backfires.

She should've never given herself away.

The bell rang for the start of classes and she rushed to get to first period realizing how far away she was from getting to it.

Turning the corner, she bumped into someone. The force knocked her down and she fell hard.


Her yelp was quiet, but distinct considering the silence surrounding the halls.

A hand offered to help her up and she gladly took it before looking over her shoulder to glance down at her butt. God that sure hurt. Giving it a little pat, she winced at the soreness.

"It's okay," she cooed at her behind. "When we get home I'll give you a nice little bag of ice."

She patted it once more, not wanting her best asset to ruin itself. She loved her butt. She learned to love most parts of herself. But she really liked her butt. It actually existed.

"Are you... talking to your butt?" a humorous voice spoke from in front of her.

Facing forwards, she came face to face with a boy who shared similarly good looks to Maddox. Strong bone structure with what one would think as boring brown eyes, but boy oh boy she could lose herself in them. His hair wasn't as dark as a certain boy's midnight black locks, but the chocolate brown haired beauty certainly could take Maddox down a peg or two.

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