The Fiction Awards

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Hey guys!

So The Fiction Awards are back for the third time and if it's not too much to ask then please go nominate How He Fell if you really think this book is worth getting an award.

My book can be nominated under the Teen Fiction category.

Here's the link:https://www

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Here's the link:

I truly hope you'll consider nominating my book. I'll be forever thankful?

I know it's a little desperate, but well... I am desperate I guess haha.

Anyways that's that...

Now I'm going to discuss my update schedule. So beforehand I had my update schedule set for a new chapter every Friday, but honestly I'm getting a little impatient and you guys are probably getting a little impatient too because we all want to know how this book ends.

Well sadly I don't even know how this book ends. ¯\_(°•°)_/¯

I have a few ideas that I've been playing around with, but I also don't want to disappoint you guys with the ending and I was actually going to do something drastically horrible, but someone told me I shouldn't because it would make everyone sad. I still might do it though...or I might not.

See? Still playing around with the idea hehehe.

So to speed up the process of finding out the ending of this book, I'm changing when I put up a new chapter.

Update schedule:

But bear with me because I'm about to be swamped with last minute cram tests, Biology keystones, and finals. So it's likely that I might not be exactly on time with my updates but I will still try and get two updates a week from now on.

After school finishes, I'll start posting daily and if I stay consistent with my updates then it's likely that this book will be finished by the end of June. I don't want to make the book too long, maybe 40 chapters at most, but I also don't want to include too much drama because I know it gets annoying when things don't just settle down in a book. We're all just waiting for everything to be okay again and whatnot. This book will probably be done with 25-35 chapters (that's a big range I know).

So I guess that's all I wanted you guys to know!

Once again, I'd be ECSTATIC at being nominated sooooo ;)

Love you all! Xx.

~ Shay

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