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Song of the chapter: Real Friends by Camila Cabello

Song of the chapter: Real Friends by Camila Cabello

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EVELYN sat in the passenger seat of Tiana's car with exhaustion taking over her body.

"What did she say to you?"

Shaking her head, she motioned for Tiana to repeat her question seeing as she was too lost in thought to listen to the statement.

"What did she say to you?"

Evelyn's breath hitched and she shook her head, signaling for Tiana to let it go, "Nothing that really matters."

"Bullshit," Tiana challenged with one eyebrow raised, "you were crying Evelyn."

Evelyn reached up to feel her slightly damn cheeks and she blushed realizing that not only had Tiana seen, but most likely the rest of the student population as well.

"Oh," she quietly mumbled.

Staying quiet for a few more minutes, she wondered if she could tell Tiana. What would it matter? The girl had helped her out after all so it's clear she means no harm.

"Uh just that she couldn't believe he managed to keep me around so long and that I must've been um well a good lay then," she nervously said fidgeting with her fingers in her lap.

Tiana paused her actions for a minute before resuming to turn the car left.

"She says shit like that," Tiana said glancing at Evelyn with a small, comforting smile.

Evelyn smiled back before turning her head to face the window, watching the buildings pass by as she wondered where Tiana was taking her.

"You and Maddox will work it out you know?"

Evelyn wanted to believe the girl beside her, but how could she put all the faith left in her, in some stranger who she hadn't known for so long?

"He's an asshat."

Tiana stifled a quiet laugh, "Yeah he can be. But Evelyn, he's really trying with you. He's happy around you. I mean you should see the smile on his face whenever you're around. It's the kind of smile every girl wishes to be the reason for."

Evelyn furrowed her eyebrows before looking over at Tiana for a split second. The way she spoke, the way she almost dreamily sighed, Evelyn knew Tiana liked Maddox in more than just a friends-with-benefits kind of way. She couldn't help herself for speaking out about it.

"Why are you trying to reassure me? Why are you being nice? I know you like Maddox so why are you trying to encourage him and me?"

Tiana stayed quiet for a few seconds, trying to find the right words to use to explain why she did what she did.

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