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Song of the chapter: Can't Let Go (feat. Emilia Ali) by VALNTN

 Emilia Ali) by VALNTN

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EVELYN was little shocked to see Tiana Reeves with Maddox when she found him.

Just a little weird.

Tiana was the It Girl of their school. She had her bitchy cronies flanking her all the time, but honestly Evelyn had never received any hate from Tiana's end. Her friends were certainly cruel and loved to torment Evelyn, but Tiana always held back and never bothered. Usually she wasn't even around when Evelyn was getting bullied and if she was then the bullying always came to a halt.

Surprisingly to say the least.

Staring at herself in the mirror, Evelyn ran her hands over her jean-clad thighs in nervousness. She had to dress up for the annual gala and that terrified her. Her nerves were taking over.

"Oh stop worrying so much," Aubrey's voice spoke as she plopped down on her unruly bed. Dresses were strung all around the room, they were both trying to pick the perfect dress and it was a bit difficult when most of their options were worth 10x less than everyone else's attire.

"Why wouldn't I worry?" Evelyn's stressed voice stated, "I can't go looking cheap. This is a gala where everyone who's anyone will be there."

Maddox will be there.

Aubrey immediately sat up with a smirk on her face, "So what?"

"Huh?" Evelyn said in confusion.

"You like Maddox don't you?"

Frowning, Evelyn realized she had spoke aloud about Maddox. Biting her lip, the blush dusted across her cheeks was prominent.

Shrugging, she made a sound that indicated that Aubrey's statement held truth to it. There was no point in really trying to make her crush on Maddox a big deal though. It would never lead to anything other than her hidden heartbreak.

Realizing she liked Maddox was something she hated. It made sense that she somehow felt something beyond friendship. He was kind and caring, he didn't leave her hanging. He treated her as an equal rather than gum stuck to the bottom of his shoe. God knows how refreshing that kind of behavior was.

Plus, he wasn't too hard on the eyes. That's putting it lightly. Everyone in her year knew how handsome Maddox was. He had the eyebrows, the facial features and not to forget his physique was something to be jealous of.

But he was quiet and never really talked. It didn't make him the outcast since he was one of the most respected people in school, but it made people leave him alone. They were too scared to talk to the boy who glared daggers at everything and anything.

He had a soft spot for her though. She knew that. He was a certain way around her that he wasn't with anyone else. After she had realized she liked the broken boy acting too strong, she almost convinced herself during the week that he might feel something too.

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