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Song of the chapter: Thunderclouds by LSD (Labrinth, Sia, Diplo)

Song of the chapter: Thunderclouds by LSD (Labrinth, Sia, Diplo)

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MADDOX didn't want to hurt her. He didn't want to cause her anymore pain and suffering.

For this however, he would leave no one unscathed.

"Literally fucking stop you douchetard!" Reese yelled at him. "Fuck off stop it hurts I'm dying oh my god I'm actually dying. Dude Tiana it's not a joke run for your goddamn life!"

Maddox spared a quick look at Tiana who seemed done with Reese's childish antics. Walking a little closer towards Reese, she kicked his leg with her foot. "Get the hell up you bozo. You still have one life left."

From somewhere near, the three musketeers could hear their fourth musketeer cackling in the background.  Maddox's head shot up as he attempted to zero in on her witch-like laugh. "Where the hell are you Evelyn you sound fucking terrifying."

Her laugh grew louder as it did closer and before anyone could process what was happening Evelyn peeped out from behind Maddox before launching her body onto his.


As the words left her mouth, Tiana launched into motion as she shot Maddox straight in the abdomen before sprinting off in the opposite direction. Realizing that she had just gotten Maddox down to one life like the rest of them, Tiana dropped her gun in shock before a smile bloomed across her face.

"Oh my god! Oh my god! I got him Evelyn babe I got him! Fuck yes!" she screamed as she danced around a fallen Reese in a circle.

"We fucking did it, like Bruce Lee hit it," Tiana started chanting as she shook her hips side to side. "Mmff oh yeah mmfff yeah yeah yeah fuck that I'm a goddamn bo—"

Her chanting came to a halt as she tragically stared at the vest around her go red. Dropping her hands by her side, she slowly lifted her head to see Reese with his gun out and pointing towards her with a fallen paintball laying beside her body.

Evelyn muffled a laugh as Tiana came to the realization that she no longer was the boss, and in reality, was the first one out with no lives left.

Tiana stared at Reese with rage behind her usually calm and collected personality before she chucked her gun at him. "Fuck you Reese! God you fucking suck!"

Reese dodged the gun as a smirk overtook his expression. "Whoops," he calmly stared as he shrugged his shoulders.

Tiana turned her head away from Reese deciding that she would ignore him and instead focused her attention on the pocket-size girl still on Maddox's back. She narrowed her eyes at Evelyn.

"Avenge me," she spoke with determination behind her eyes.

It was clear that these four idiots took Paintball very seriously.

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