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Song of the chapter: In My Head by Peter Manos

Song of the chapter: In My Head by Peter Manos

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MADDOX walked out of the school at a slow pace, not really in a hurry to get home.

These days everything seemed so dull and silent. He didn't know what it was, but maybe he did. Maybe it was his father's return.

Maybe it was simply the weather.

Coming to a stop before the steps leading up to the school, he navigated the petite girl waiting by his car, clearly waiting to get her ride home. She sat on the hood of his car with the plaid skirt falling over her thighs. She seemed to be biting a nail as she turned the page to whatever book she was so engrossed in.

Nearing her from behind, Maddox wondered if he scared her, would she jump and fall off the car?

Taking his chances, he lightly tapped her on the shoulder signaling his presence. She had other thoughts however and instead of falling off, she held the book tighter and turned around whacking him to the next dimension.

Hopefully she had a good excuse for doing that.

He tumbled backwards as the force of the thick book took its toll. Managing to control his movements after a few seconds, he caressed the side of his temple, where the corner of the book pushed right against.

"Fuck," he snapped as he felt the blood trickle down and make a path along his chiseled cheekbones.

He heard a squeak as Evelyn bounced off the car hobbling over to him with worry coating her features, "I'm so sorry!"

He rolled his eyes at her insincere apology as she tried to hide a laugh. Glaring up at her shock-stricken face, she nearly snorted as a laugh bubbled up inside her.

Why the fuck was she laughing?

As he held the side of his head, he groaned as the throbbing pain spread to the back of his head.

His expression and stance was intimidating, but Evelyn couldn't stop laughing at the situation.

"Why do you always hit people as your first instinct?"

As tears started looking at the corners of her eyes from laughing so hard, she shrugged as a genuine smile laid content on her lips.

"Aggressive bitch," he hissed as he plopped down on the hood of his car trying to wipe off the almost dried blood.

Gasping dramatically, she grabbed the book and whacked his bicep.

"Language!" she laughed leaning so her back rest against the wind shield of the car.

Shaking his head, he tried to stop the smile from blooming on his face. If it were anyone else, he'd definitely be annoyed. But this was Evelyn and her reaction was certainly progress from the very first time they had this kind of encounter.

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