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Song of the finale: I Get To Love You by Ruelle

Song of the finale: I Get To Love You by Ruelle

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EVELYN stared at herself in the mirror.

Her hands laid by her side fidgeting as the anxiety she worked herself into since the moment she woke up started to show its physical symptoms. Biting her lip, a little too hard, she winced as the pain brought her back to reality.

"It's all good," she mumbled to herself. "It'll be fine. We've been through this before. I'll be fine."

"That's right babe. Don't be nervous!"

Rolling her eyes, Evelyn jerked her attention to Tiana who was sitting propped up in her bed with the most unhealthy food keeping her company.

"You know you're talking to someone with extreme anxiety? Shouldn't you, as a person who also suffers from anxiety, know that telling me not to be nervous is the worst thing to say?"

Tiana shrugged. "Yeah but sometimes my brain is too tired to say the smart thing," she said as she let herself fall back into the cushy bed.

Evelyn scoffed, "When do you ever say the smart thing?"

"Um excuse you," Tiana jumped in once again, "I'll have you know that I am on a schedule. Between 8 and 5, you can expect me to say smart things. After 5 though I'm done. You gotta let me recharge for the next day ya know?"

"I think you need more recharging than that."

Evelyn found herself being hitting with pellets of popcorn as she laughed at her snarky remark.

"Stop being such a smart ass Evelyn."

Evelyn shot a cheeky smile towards Tiana who couldn't keep her own smile off her face. However, both of them soon sobered up as the reality of the evening settled back in. Studying Evelyn's slightly panicked face, Tiana sighed before she sat up on the bed once more.

"Look Evelyn," she started, "I know it's scary. I know it's gonna be different because you guys are starting on different terms, but that doesn't mean it's gonna end on the same terms again. Don't think about the future, think about right now. The more you freak yourself out by worrying over the future, the more you might jeopardize what you have with him." She paused to take a deep breath before offering Evelyn a reassuring smile. "He won't run. Not now. Not ever."

Looking up from her hands, Evelyn sent a gracious smile towards Tiana before shaking her head and getting up. Heading over to the bedroom door, she stopped once her hand reached the doorknob. She turned back to Tiana before twisting the knob and letting the cool air from the hallway enter the room.

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