Falling In A Frenzy

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Song: Summer On You by PRETTYMUCH

Song: Summer On You by PRETTYMUCH

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Tiana Ramone used to thrive on the social hierarchy of high school. She used to be everything.

She used to be his everything.

She fell in love with a boy who never really knew her. He slipped past her strong grip and found someone to love, to cherish.

She couldn't be angry at him for choosing his own happiness. It wasn't fair to hate him simply because he could not love her.

But she never gave her own happiness a thought.

She was suffering and she had no one to fall back on. No one would catch her from the cliff she was edging towards.

So when said boy's best friend ends up being the one to save her, what did she expect?

Falling in love? What a cliché.

But some stories are simply too ordinary to be any different.


Falling In A Frenzy is officially here and the first three chapters are already up!

Please show your love and support by hopping on over there and giving Tiana and Reese's book a try! I'm so excited for this book you have no clue

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Please show your love and support by hopping on over there and giving Tiana and Reese's book a try! I'm so excited for this book you have no clue. It's been in the works since I introduced Tiana in How He Fell. I knew I wanted to play around with her character and give her a story. She's probably my favorite character I made up. I want this book to do as well as How He Fell ended up doing (which I'm still so freaking shocked over). I can't thank you guys enough for getting me over 50k reads, I never thought it'd happen. Then one day in August, this book started rolling and I don't know how or why, but boy am I thankful! :)

Love you all so so so much and thank you for investing your time in my crappy writing. Xx.

~ Shay

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