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Song of the chapter: Everything I Need by Skyler Grey

Song of the chapter: Everything I Need by Skyler Grey

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EVELYN had so much to think about and frankly it was giving her a bit of a headache.

"End it."

She lifted her head slightly from its position on the couch as she sent a confused look towards Aubrey.

"What do you mean?"

"From what I've heard Evelyn," she sighed passing the small girl a look of guilt, "are either of you happy?"

Biting her lip, Evelyn found herself shaking her head slightly. Realizing her actions, her heart dropped. Maddox was the best thing to ever happen to her. He gave her a friend and a reason to stay alive. He gave her love too. She was so grateful for him...for being there for her.  He taught her that life wasn't always so bland, dull, and cruel. You're always bound to find someone. 

And maybe she didn't need him anymore.

Because she had healed. She didn't need to lean on anyone anymore. She loved herself enough. She didn't want to need anyone anymore. She wanted to be strong for herself.

"I think that's an answer enough," Aubrey spoke up after some time. Her voice was gentle yet firm, giving Evelyn the clear decision that needed to be made.

Evelyn found herself blinking quickly so to keep her tears to herself.

"I don't want to give him up yet," she croaked out suddenly feeling as if her throat was dry. Her hands found the necklace around her neck that Maddox had given her. It held a small pendant that meant so much to Evelyn. Instead of the usual jewel, it was a small sword.

So you always have a weapon to fight with.

His words echoed in her mind and she knew she would love him for as long as she lived. And if she were to ever find someone else, she knew Maddox would always hold a place in her heart. It was impossible to forget the boy who made her hopeful again.

She felt Aubrey's presence settle itself beside her on the couch. Her hand found Evelyn's and she rubbed her thumb against the scars on Evelyn's wrist. The reminders of when Evelyn was at one of the lowest points in her life. But Evelyn no longer looked at the jagged and raised skin with distaste anymore. She smiled when she saw them because she knew she had no feelings to do it again. To hurt herself again.

"I know you healed Evelyn. Maddox helped you so much. But he hasn't healed yet. Don't think you didn't try to help him though because I think you did all you could. However, his mother's death threw him back a couple of steps, he lost some of his progress. And he needs to heal again. This time, I think he needs to do it himself. You found yourself," Aubrey said with an encouraging smile before continuing, "Now he needs to find himself."

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