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Song of the chapter: White Blood by Oh Wonder

Song of the chapter: White Blood by Oh Wonder

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MADDOX listened as she spoke with ease.

"How was today?"

Looking up to meet Dr. Branov's eyes, Maddox scoffed before rolling his eyes and looking away.

"You ask me this question every time we meet."

Interlocking her hands, Dr. Branov shrugged. It was true, she'd always start each session off with the same question, in the same squeaky chair, and the same annoying tone.

"And I'll continue asking it until I get a clear answer," she said with a pointed look, "But for now, your...useless statement will have to do. At least it's a different answer each time."

The tip of Maddox's lips curled up just a bit, enough to show a hint of his amusement. Dr. Branov, or Dr. Maverly Branov, was a psychiatrist. Maddox was her undocumented patient. His mother and Dr. Branov were dear friends.

"So," Maverly started, "Talk to anyone yet? You seem to have one friend and I don't mean to offend you in any way, but my son is across the country trying out his dull acting career. I get you two FaceTime and do your shit, but he's not present here all the time. So you have no one to confide in that you can physically touch."

"How kind," Maddox responded with a sarcastic smile settled on his face.

"No problem," she replied, "So will you answer the question or will we be throwing shots back and forth until your hour is up?"

Silence consumed their session, he refused to respond and she stubbornly waited. This was one question she hoped to receive a new answer to.

As the clock took away the time from their session, inching the hour hand to 8pm, Maverly sighed.

"I can't help someone who refuses to be helped," she said, "This has got to stop, I'm just a tiny bit tired of wasting an hour of doing nothing with you. I could use this time to tend to some other patient who most likely needs more attention than you do at this moment."

"No one is stopping you," he said with a glare.

Slamming her hand against the desk, she matched his glare with a gleam in her eyes that equaled the idea of a challenge. "You're damn right," she snapped. Pointing her finger to the door that led him out of her home office, she spoke once more, "Leave."

Raising an eyebrow, he smirked, "Don't we have five more minutes left?"

Shaking her head, she lent back against her chair, allowing a sickeningly sweet smile to grow on her face.

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