Chapter One

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Soft classical music was playing through the little pill shaped speaker in my dorm room. I was typing on my computer for a Social Studies Project about the founding fathers. I was laying on my couch, trying to stay awake. I hadn't slept since yesterday, but I needed to get this thing finished. I grabbed the coffee off the small table in front of my couch.

I then heard knocking and new exactly who it was. No one else would come bother me at 12 in the afternoon on a Sunday.

"Alex, open up!" I heard the person say.

I got up from my comfortable position to get the door.

"Hey, Liza." I say to her.

Elizabeth Schuyler has been my best friend since high school, and we had just happened to apply at the same college. I could tell Eliza anything, and she would do the same. That's why she's the only one who knows about my past life.

"You wanna come to Freddy's Pizza with me and the gang?" She asked cheerfully.

When Liza said 'gang', she was just referring to my only friends:

Her sisters, Angelina and Peggy, then Hercules Mulligan and Aaron Burr.

"Liza, I have to finish this paper by tomorrow!"

"Alex, we are In the same class. That paper isn't due till next Tuesday! Plus, you were only supposed to write 7 pages, it shouldn't have taken you long."

I look away from her, trying to hide the truth. Unfortunately, Liza caught on.

"Alexander," She only calls me that when she's serious. "How many pages did you write?"


"Glory Alexander! You need to take a break!"

"Eliza, I've got so much on my plate!"

Eliza rolled up the sleeves of her light blue shirt. "Alexander, don't make me-"

"Ok! Ok!"

I only said ok because if I didn't, Eliza would have picked me up bridal style and took me to Freddy's Pizza, then and there.

I'm a pretty small person.


Ok so I hope you enjoyed my book!

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