Chapter 18

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John was out on Turtle Duty again, which basically meant he had to go to the store and buy lettuce.  

I let Lucy out and let her crawl around the small dorm. I was watching her slow movements and admiring her shell. 

I sat quietly, watching Lucy lug her body around. I felt a ping in my back pocket and pulled out my phone. It was a text from John.


Texting: JohnnyBoi

Time: 10:30 am

JohnnyBoi- What kind of lettuce do they want this time?

HamHamHammy- WTF John turtles don't speak.

JohnnyBoi- yes they do. look them in the eye.

HamHamHammy- Ok...

HamHamHammy- surprisingly, Lucy wants Romaine, Duck wants Butterhead, and Johnny jr. wants Batavia. that was really creepy.

JohnnyBoi- told ya. see u when I get home <3



I decide to kill time by checking Instagram, and put Lucy back in her tank. I scroll through profiles, Angie's makeup tutorial, Eliza's skateboarding tricks, Peggy's arts and crafts project, Lafayette's video of French things, Herc being a gym rat, Jefferson's post about Aaron, James Madion's post-


I scroll back up to Jefferson's post. It read:

You may think you know about Aaron Burr, but you don't. In fact, he's be keeping a secret from all of you. Guess who's Transgender?

Below that was a picture of a 14 year old girl going into a special surgeon hospital that I couldn't see the name of. Next to it was a 14 year old boy coming out of the hospital. The boy and the girl looked identical! My mind flashed to that picture of Aaron's family on his coffee table. That little girl in the picture wasn't Aaron's sister, it was AARON!

I throw my phone on John's bed and run out of the door. I needed to find Aaron, fast. I rush to his dorm and bang on the door.

"Aaron, open up!!!" I yell.

"N-no. G-go A-away Alex." sniffles Aaron from the other side of the door.

"Please, let me in," I say softer, and I hear the lock click.

"Hey." The sobbing Aaron looked an absolute mess. 

"Don't let Jefferson get to you."

"I didn't think he would do it. I really didn't."

"Never underestimate him. That's something I learned first hand." I walk over to his couch and take his family photo off the coffee table. I trace the little girl's chubby face. 

"What was your name?"


"What was your female name?"

"Oh, it was-" He shifted his weight and looked shyly at his feet. "-it was Arianna."

I put the picture down and he looked at me with wet eyes. 

"Hey, everything will be alright. We all have our imperfections. But that doesn't matter. That's what makes us special. I know I sound like some sappy Disney movie, but seriously. The smallest and worst things give us hope for something better. So if all else fails, at least you have hope. And you have me. You have John. Eliza. Angie, Peggy, Herc, Laf, were all here for you! That's what friends are for."

He plops himself on the couch.

"Thank you, Alex."

"No problem. Anything for a Friend."


Hey Guys!! Seriously, if you need to talk, I'm here. No doubt. Just DM me. Just say something. maybe not to me, but say something. It does you no good to keep quiet. You have people that love you!!!!!

I seriously love you all!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

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