Chapter 3

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Ah, Monday. School. Fun.

"Settle down, class!" Mr. Washington, the teacher of Social Studies, boomed. "We have 2 new students today, why don't they come up!"

A tall man with poofy hair tied up in a high ponytail/bun walked up. He had a white t-shirt that said 'I love America' on it.

"This is Gilbert I'm-not-going-to-say-his-full-name Lafayette. Tell us about yourself, Gilbert."

The amount of swag and charm on his face was enough to make a girl swoon. In fact, all of the girls were swooning, except Peggy. Yeah, Peg Leg is about as straight as a rainbow.

Gilbert took a deep breath and screamed "IM FRENCH MOTHER BAGUETTES!!! Ha, you thought I was going to curse. Now I will!" Then he said a string of cuss words in French. How did I know? I'm fluent in the language.

"Bye, Bit-"

"OKAY GILBERT, that's enough. Sit down. Our next new student is from South Carolina!"

Another tall guy walked out behind me. He had poofy hair pulled into a low ponytail and freckles splattering his face. He wore a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles shirt and blue ripped jeans. He was the most beautiful human being on Earth.

"Yo, I'm John Laurens. I'm from the south. Now I'm in New York. So, um, yeah."

He went back to his seat which was behind mine. I turn around and stick out my hand.

"Alexander Hamilton."

He takes my hand and shakes it. "John Laurens. Nice to meet you."

"Wanna be friends?"

"You're one odd guy. And kinda cute. Sure."

'Kinda cute'?What was that supposed to mean? I never had a guy call me cute... well, only once, but I don't want to relive those days.

I turn around in my seat.

There's only one way to find out what 'kinda cute' means from a guy like him.


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