Cut To Aaron

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I feel really bad about what I did. 

I mean, taking the whole gang to Freddy's and ditching Eliza and Alex, that's pretty bad. The gang were my only friends, considering how I was. It was really Alex who found me, who took me in,  who let me into his friend group.

Nobody had ever wanted to hang out with me. I was the weird kid. The different kid. The nobody likes me kid. I had to change schools often, and it wasn't fun. That was why I loved college. Nobody knew who I really was. The truth. Only Jefferson knew.

I wonder what he did to Alex and Eliza. I couldn't imagine him physically hurting them... right? I told him not to hurt them, but Jefferson was unpredictable. 

I could have stood up to Jefferson, I guess, but then it would risk him telling everyone about me. and thats what I needed last.

So I'm willing to wait for this whole thing to blow over. He couldn't have done anything permanent, could he? 

I can't do this. What kind of friend am I? Certainty not the one who will stand by.



Time: 12:00 pm

A.BURR,SIR- Jefferson, what did you do to Alex and Eliza?

JEFFERSNOB- Nothing big I just set them up

A.BURR,SIR- what?

JEFFERSNOB- Expect a mini Alex in 9 months


JEFFERSNOB- thank u, Aaron, u have done all I needed u 2 do.

A.BURR,SIR- I'll tell them it was you.

JEFFERSNOB- and ill tell them you've been lying all that time.

A.BURR,SIR-    .....

JEFFERSNOB- that's what I thought. u don't tell, I don't tell. do we have a deal?

A.BURR,SIR- ...yes.


I hate my self. Im putting my only friends before me. I put them at risk. But, if I told them...

I'd be back to being that kid. The different kid.

and I just can't have that again.


HEY Guys sorry I haven't been updating lately... I just loooovvveee school.

Luv u to moon and back!!!

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