Chapter 9

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MaxieYea   CompletelyNormalPers TooMuchLams <----- FOLLOW THEM

Thank you SOOOOO much for reading my books!

Texting: GayTurtle🐢
Time: 10:05 pm

Hammy💗: hey John are u free

GayTurtle🐢: ya wats up?

Hammy💗: its the storm

GayTurtle🐢: ya, its pretty rough. but why do u need me?

Hammy💗: just come over. plz

GayTurtle🐢: k


John showed up 5 minutes later, his green coat splattered with rain drops. He saw me shivering in the corner, took of his jacket, and threw his arms across me.

"What's wrong, Alex?"

"Storm. It's the storm. Its my fault."

"Alex, please explain."

"My brother. I lost him... to a storm. I let go."

"Alex, I'm so sorry. But what do you mean, 'let go'? "

I explain to him what happened to my brother, him squeezing me together with every word.

"Oh Alex-" John purred.

There was flash of lightning and I buried my face into John's chest.

Then came the thunder.



"Momma, that storm is scary." The very young Alex said while sitting in his mother's lap.

"Shhh, I know, I know." she sang softly, trying to calm him.

"Momma, are we going to survive this?" James said, sitting next to his mother on the bed. The small family was sitting in their own sick.

"James, Alexander, please-" she coughed heavy coughs giving away that she was dangerously sick.  "-please calm down." her weak voice tried to say strong for her boys, but it was failing.

She let out some more coughs. It was obvious to their mother that she was going to die. She just didn't want the boys to catch on. She wanted to calm them, to be able to tell them that she loved them very dearly.

Just one last time.

"You are my sunshine,
my only sunshine,
you make me happy
when skies are grey,
you never know dear,
how much I love you,
please don't take my
Sunshine away.
Please don't take my

The hands stroking her boy's hairs went limp.


"Don't hold me, John! You'll die! It's my fault!" I cry out.

"Please, Alexander, Listen. I won't die. I'm not going anywhere. I will stay right here, with you. where I belong." John pulled me in for a hug and I didn't resist.

I let my body relax in his arms while he softly stroked my hair. I buried my head into his chest. He gave me a quick kiss on my forehead. Suddenly the storm was gone. everything was quiet. As long as I had John, everything will be alright. He was my sunshine.

Don't worry, Momma. Nobody can take my sunshine away.


That was the Storm Chapter!
I had so much fun writing this and I hope you had fun reading this!
until the next chapter,
Bye! Luv y'all😘😘❤️💗💕

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