Chapter 6

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The next day John came to my locker while I was loading my math books in there.
"Hey, John!"

"Hey, Alex!"

We looked at each other weirdly, trying to ignore what happened yesterday. Suddenly, a force pushed me onto John and he caught me in his arms. We looked up at each other. I could stare in those eyes all day. But first I have to beat up the jerk who decided to push me.

I whip my head around, ready to throw a punch, and there was Herc.  I hold my fist and put it down.

"Always ready to punch somebody, aren't you, Alex." The easy going Herc said. But this time he had someone next to him. It was that French guy, Lafayette.

"Ah, at last, I have found someone to love!" Lafayette said dramatically as he fainted into Herc's arms. Herc's a big guy, but Lafayette was so tall that Herc almost dropped him.

"Well you two have fun, John and I need to talk." I say.

"We do?" John said confused.

"Yes. We do. Now go." I say. Lafayette and Herc, arm in arm, skipped away. Gosh, I hated those two. But they were my friends, so I made an exception.

"John, that was my 'go away' method. Next time, just play along." I say smirking and we laughed.

"So um, I wanted to talk about Eliza... do you two have any romantic background?" John asked.

"Of course NOT! Eliza's my best friend. She's never had any interest in me."

"So you're practically mine for the taking."

"I'm all yours."

He leaned in for a kiss, and so did I, but he dodged my lips at the last moment and put his lips to my ears.

"Good." He whispered in a tone so soft and loving, I stood there like an idiot seconds after he pulled away.

"Welp," He said louder, "here's my number." He took a black Sharpie out of his back pocket and wrote his number on the inside of my locker with a little heart under it, planted a kiss on my check, then quickly ran away. I was too stunned to even yell at him for doing that. But then again, who could ever be mad at John?

Hope you enjoyed! I'll update later today. If you guys could tell people about this book, that would be great! Thank you!
Luv y'all 💕

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