Cut to Jefferson

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"That little prick!" I exclaimed, wiping the blood from my jaw.

John Laurens was in deep trouble. He's on my bad side. Nothing good happens to those who dare cross me. I'm good at reading people. That kind of talent is good for revenge. I knew John was a man of physical strength, his weakness obviously being his feelings. If I physically hurt him, he would just physically hurt me back.

I needed to get beneath his skin. I needed to hurt the one he loves. In order to get to John, I need to get to Alexander.

Not physically. No, I'll just mess with them mentally. And to stay out of suspicion, I'll do it indirectly. I knew who to call. I grab my phone.

"Hello?" The male voice answered.

"Charles Lee, my man! Can you throw a party Tuesday night?" I tell him.

"Sure, but why?"

"I need to get revenge on that little prick John and get Alex back."

"Ok, and how are you going to do that?"

"Just get Alex really drunk, and make him do something stupid. Something John would hate."

"I have an even better idea!"

"Don't tell me, just do it. I know I can count on you."

"You got it Thomas."

I hang up and sigh. This is perfect. But I have to get John and anyone else who cares about Alex out of my way. I need a distraction. I know who. I type in the number.

"Hello, this is Aaron Burr speaking!" A happy voice said.

"Hello, Aaron." I say coolly.

"What do you want, Jefferson?" His cheery voice dropped to an annoyed one.

"Look, Burr, can you do me a favor?" I ask in a sweet tone.

"Why would I want to give a snob like you a favor?"

"All I need you do is take your little friend group somewhere on Tuesday. Don't include Alex."


"Because, Aaron, I know about who you really are, and you wouldn't want me to tell your friends, would you?"

"You wouldn't." I heard his voice crack from fear. It was working.

"Try me." I growled at him. There was a pause on the phone and I could tell he was thinking.

"F-Fine. But if you hurt my friends, you'll have something coming to you." He gasps out angrily.

I hang up. This is perfect. I'll get my revenge and blame it on Lee and Burr! They will have no idea. I'm coming for you, Alex and John, and you'll never be ready.

This was a longer chapter....
ok so until next time!
Luv y'all😘❤️💕😻💗

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