Chapter 7

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Texting: GayTurtle🐢
Time: 1:00 am

Hammy💗- hey John.

GayTurtle🐢- hey Alex.

Hammy💗- what r u doing up at 1

GayTurtle🐢- nothing. I like laying in my bed checking insta

Hammy💗- oh ok then. Wanna be my Boy Friend

GayTurtle🐢- sure why not

Hammy💗- ok then.

GayTurtle🐢- Bye Alex see u tomorrow

Hammy💗- bye John

GayTurtle🐢- I love you 😘

Hammy💗- I love you too 💕

I was at my locker gathering my stuff, my head jumping around about when I had texted John. He's officially my boyfriend!  Footsteps approached me, and I figured it was John and turned to greet him.

"Hey John-"

"Who the heck is John?"

Oh no. No no no. He's back from France. I stare at the curly headed man, and wince.

"Hey, Jefferson."

"Alex, long time no see, am I right? I mean we have so many things to catch up on, and-"

"I broke up with you for a reason, Thomas."

"That doesn't mean we can't start again! I'm a changed man!"

"And so am I! I'm sorry but I moved on."

Jefferson squinted his eyes at me. Yeah, it was true. I dated this thick head for a while. I don't know why, but I did. He wasn't the best boyfriend, always trying to romanticize everything, and he was always lying. So when I found out he cheated on me with James Madison, it was over. But he still 'loves' me apparently, and I know better than to listen to him.

"Alex? Who is this?" Oh of course. Perfect timing, John.

"John," I say grabbing his arm, staring straight at Jefferson, "this is my ex-boyfriend, Thomas Jefferson."

John looked at me with concern, then turned to Jefferson, and stuck his hand out with a half smile.

"Pleased to meet you, Thomas."

"Yeah, whatever. Alex, I'll be back for you later." He winked at me and one second later I'm behind a growling John, his arms spread out across my chest protectively.

"Wink at my boyfriend one more time, and you'll have nothing left to wink with." He growled protectively.

"Boyfriend? Alex, how could you! You will never be forgiven!" Thomas said, clenching his fists.

"Who said I wanted to be forgiven, Jefferson?"

His face was turning a hot red.

"I'll get my revenge. By any means possible. And it will be worse than anything you can imagine, Alex. You shouldn't have gotten on my bad side." Jefferson gritted through his teeth and stormed off, leaving John and I standing there. I looked up at him.

I knew John doubted Jefferson by the way he looked. But I knew what Jefferson was capable of doing. I knew the power he had over the students of the school. I knew how rich he was and that money alone could get him out of any situation.

For the first time in years, I was genuinely scared.
Hey guys!
Jefferson's back and ready to cause a heart attack! 🤣
Luv y'all sooooo much 💕😘💗❤️

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