Ten Paint Commandments

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I step into the cold, crisp air of the paint ball arena (A.K.A the park) at 10:00 with nothing on my mind but John. He was hanging with Herc and Laf, and he would never approve of this mess, so I left home leaving a little note... I should've written more, because if I lost, I'd never see him again. I can still feel his soft hair brushing gently against my hand, and I shiver lightly in the cold. 

So this is it. This is the day where I determine my fate.

1. Demand Satisfaction.

I draw a ragged breath as Jefferson approaches. He snickers as his eyes light with fire- a determination- to take back what once was his. Neither of us would withdraw, we had no reason to. I wanted revenge. He wanted me. I can't back out now. Not knowing that he could ruin the life of everyone I love...

2. Grab a friend, that's your second.

Since my boyfriend's not an option, I go with the second best. Eliza. She argued at first how ridiculous it was that I challenged Jefferson to a duel. (He's the best paintballer that I know. He had won many medals.) 

She told me over and over how much of an idiot I was. I sat patiently as as she repeated idiot and snuck in a few... uh, no-no words. She finally got tired of calling me an idiot and slapped me. It hurt like the devil, but, no doubt that I deserved it. I actually deserved a lot worse. 

Then she sat down, looked me dead in the eye, and said "Alexander Hamilton, I'm doing this because I love you and only because I love you. I'll be your second." and so Eliza became my second.

3. Have your seconds meet face to face.

Eliza trudged to the park in her huge oversized coat, and I could tell she came prepared with a huge jug of hot chocolate.

 "Ok, let's get this over with so that I can go back to my warm dorm." she said angrily, but I could tell she was in no hurry. She stood in the middle of where we would shoot at each other. She looked around and then back at me. I could tell she was smiling through the heavy black scarf that covered her mouth. 

"Hello, Miss Schuyler-" James Madison was cut off by his own coughing. He must be Jefferson's second. Eliza whips her head around, slinging her high ponytail with her. 

"Mr. Madison,  we both know that neither of them are going to forfeit, so why even bother? And you KNOW how freakin' cold it is out here and I DO NOT want to stay out here long. If we negotiate, we will just be out here longer- and I KNOW you don't want that." 

Madison's eyes were huge disks. She must have made her famous 'BOI DON'T TEST ME' face. He slowly backs towards Jefferson. She slings her black hair back around and walks towards me. 

"Way to negotiate, second." She gave me the look that had just scarred Madison for life. "Shut up, Alexander!"

4. If they don't reach a peace that's alright- Time to get your paint guns.

Thomas came over to where Eliza and me where standing. Eliza's eyes turned hard as stone and- I kid you not- her face turned completely red. Like, cartoon red. I quickly swooped in front of her to stop her.

"Elizabeth-" Her face relaxed suddenly and she stepped back. It was my battle to fight. Not her's.    She still gave Jefferson a cold stare. 

"Ah, Miss Schuyler feeling snappy today?" He teased.

"Don't push your luck, Thomas." She snarled at him.

"You," Thomas looked at me outstretched a paint gun towards me. "this is for you. I mean, your gonna lose, but still worth a shot, right? Did you start packing yet?" 

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