Chapter 14

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Eliza drove me home without saying anything to me. Her disappointment and anger was pretty thick in the air.  I thank her and she drives off. I open the door and step into my dorm.

"Alexander! Where were you! I was so worried!" John practically yelled at me as he pulled me into his embrace. He plants a quick kiss on my cheek. I feel my face get hot as the truth tries to crawl up my throat. I swallow it down.

"I-I watched movies at Eliza's." I respond, guilt attacking my heart.

"Why didn't you come? Didn't Aaron invite you?"


John pulled away and made a mad face which made his light complexion turn red. I would have deemed it cute if I wasn't thinking of Aaron. Why didn't he invite me or Eliza to Freddy's? Was something wrong? Aaron and I had be friends for a while, too. He was always weary of what he did. Like he was hiding something.

"I have to go talk to Aaron. Something's wrong." I say and John nods in approval. 

I walk to Aaron's dorm,  which wasn't too far away. I knock and a smiling Aaron opens the door. He sees me, and the twinkle in his eyes disappear, but he was still smiling.


"Aaron Burr, sir. Can we confer?"

"Sure. Come in."

He steps out of the doorway and lets me in. I sit on his light brown couch, and look at his dorm. 

On the coffee table, there was a picture of woman with a lavender dress with long braids and pearl jewelry sitting in front of a tall man with a hard face. He was not looking at the camera, though, he was looking at something far away past the camera. The woman was holding a little girl in her lap. The little girl looked about 3, and she was playing with her short braids. I couldn't help but think that she looked an awful lot like Aaron.

"That's my family, before they died." Aaron's voice broke the silence. I forgot he was even there.

"Who's the little girl?" I ask.

"M-My sister."

"Oh." I shift uncomfortably. "Well, I wanted to ask, why didn't you invite me to Freddy's?"

He had hesitation in his eyes, a mix of guilt and truth. 

"Uh, I t-thought you w-were, uh, busy." He says, and looks away from me. I stare at him.

"Aaron, there's no point in lying."

"If I tell you, he'll say it... I can't, I can't lose the only friends I have!"

"Aaron please calm down!"

Then I saw something I had never seen in Aaron's eyes. Pure fear.

"No!" Is simply all he says and runs out the door. 


AaRoN BuRr SiR


(sorry I feel drunk. IM NOT THO. Im tooooo youngggggg.)

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