Chapter 11

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I heard knocking on the door. It was Tuesday afternoon, and I was eating Jello watching some sappy soap opera. Let me just say I wasn't in the best mood.

"Who is it?" I sob, and reach for another tissue.

"It's Elizabeth Schuyler." I could tell she rolled her eyes on the other side of the door.

"Come in."

"I forgot the keys at my dorm, so please open the door."

"But Veronica just broke up with J.D. and Heather died-"

"Open the stupid door, Alexander!" She said obviously annoyed.

"No." I protested. I heard an angry growl from the other side of the door.
Texting: LIZARD 🦎
Time: 12:30 pm

LIZARD 🦎:WTF Alexander. Open the door.

SPAMilton✌️: no.

LIZARD 🦎: fine, whatever. Apparently the group went out 2 Freddy's pizza w/o  me & so I thought we could hangout.

SPAMilton✌️: Yeah, that sucks. I wonder why they didn't invite me. Up 4 soap operas?

LIZARD 🦎: no, but Charles Lee is having this party @ his parent's place, and I figured we could get wasted.

SPAMilton✌️: why not. I have nothing better 2 do.

LIZARD🦎: now plz open the darned door.

I got up, drying my face. I open the door. When Eliza's eyes widened, that's when I released how messed up I looked.

"You looked like an Elephant barfed on you, then died, and you cut it open and swam in it's blood."

"Thank you, Eliza, for that wonderful description of how I look."

"You're welcome, Alexander. Now come on!"

She grabbed my arm and led me out the door, barley giving me enough time to close and lock it. She practically threw me in the car and on the way I smoothed and brushed my hair out. Eliza always had an extra hair brush.

We pulled up to the house and you could hear the music from outside. Something told me this was not going to end well. But I ignored that something.
What bad could happen to a couple of drunk teens?

Dun dun DUNNNN
I don't even know.
Until next time folks,
Love y'all💕😻❤️😘💗

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