Chapter 13

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I get up out of bed, thoughts invading my head. Did we really do that? John's going to break up with me. Eliza, she'd never forgive me! The gang, well, say good bye to the only true friends you have.  I didn't feel sick from the night before, only because Eliza and I got drunk so many times that we can't get hangovers anymore. But nothing like this ever happened.

I put on my pants and shirt, then I open the door softly, so I won't wake Eliza. There, waiting for me, is a grinning Charles Lee. He peeks over my shoulder trying to get a glimpse of Eliza. I close the door fast but softly and he pouts.

"Don't touch her." I warned.

"Seems like you already did!" he laughs and I scowl at him.

"I didn't mean to. We were drunk, ok?"

"Sure, but John won't think that when he sees the evidence..."

"Evidence?" I ask.

He holds up his phone to a picture of Eliza and I making out. My mouth drops and my heart sinks. Charles was right. The picture showed no signs of us being drunk. John, he can never see this!

"I can post this on twitter-"

"Don't. You. Dare."

"Then you have to go back with Jefferson."

"Excuse me?" I growl.

That little pain used Charles's party to take advantage of me and ruin me!  I can't go with him... but if John finds out...

"I'll get back to him."

"You have 1 week."

"Fine." I say, defeated.

Suddenly sobs are coming from the other side of the door. Eliza! I shoo away Charles and re-enter the room. She must have changed, because she's wearing her shirt and pants. She's ugly crying on the bed. I sit next to her to comfort her, but she moved away.

"Alexander, did we r-really do that?" Eliza said, hesitantly. I nod.

"Yes, we did. but we were drunk-"

"That doesn't matter, Alexander! They don't look back on how or why you did it, just what you did!" She sobbed and started crying harder. "What happens if I'm pregnant? What happens to me? You'll still be in school, and everything would be alright. But what about me? My life would be ruined!" She gasped out in an angry, panicked voice.

I hated seeing her that way.

"You are not going to get pregnant, Eliza." I say assuringly.

"You don't know that." She scowls.

I try to put my arm around her and comfort her, but she just pushed me away.

"Leave me alone, Alexander."



I get up and leave at Eliza's command. I screwed up big time, for sure. It would be so much easier to jump off a bridge and end this mess. But what will happen to the ones I love? What if Eliza really gets pregnant with MY child? 

I need to stay alive. At least for now.



hope you enjoyed!

Luv y'all bunches! (I can't do emojis on my computer but still know I'm sending virtual love!)

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