Chapter 4

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"That John Laurens is gayer than a rainbow at a 70's party." Peggy said so easily I almost didn't believe she said it.

"How do you know?" I say, skeptical.

"This kinda stuff I'm good at. I'm gay. And your bisexual butt knows it too."

"Bisexual?" I tried to sound like I wasn't, but I knew it was true. Ever since grade school I had been eyeing and crushing on boys and girls. But that had been when I was back in the Caribbean.

"If you want help, tell him a compliment that implies you are open to loving boys." Peggy says. "But don't straight out say 'I'm bi'. Make him want to know who you are."

"What would I say?" I respond.

"That's up to you." Peggy left me standing outside the building, on the side of the school. Man, Peggy was cooler than ice. I trudged to my dorm, thinking of pick up lines I could say.


I had finally picked a pick up line, after doing some research. After class, in the hall, I walk up to John and smile my best flirtatious smile.

"John, you're so smooth, peanut butter is jealous."

I wink and then cringe at my horrible pickup line while John laughed hard. I felt my face get hot.

"Wow, thanks," he said in between chuckles. "And to think my favorite food is jealous of me."

"Um, can I retry that?"

"Alex, you can't retry hitting on people..."

He smiled. Gosh, that smile could light up a universe.

"Ahh, a nice gay couple. I ship it." A medium French accent said behind me.

"Go away, Lafayette!" John said jokingly. I turn around and Gilbert, or Lafayette, was smirking. He was literally towering over me.

"H-hi." I stammered. I felt like he would pull out a baguette and start hitting me with it.

"No need to be scared, mon ami! I am Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de Lafayette, Marquis de Lafayette."

"Nice to meet you, Marie-Joseph Paul Yee- eves Roach... um... Gilbert, was it?" I was clearly struggling with his name.

He laughed hard. I bet he let people struggle with his name just for fun.
"Call me Lafayette, mon ami."

Then I said a string of words in French. He gasped and said something in French. And I responded. Basically:
You speak French?
Finally! Wanna be friends?
Why not?

We shook each other's hand, then I turn and look at John, who's face is twisted in confusion. Lafayette and I laughed heavily.

"Il est si désemparé!"

That was Google translate so.....
Don't have high expectations for Google Translate.🤣🤣🤣
Luv you all💕💕💕💕 thanks for reading!

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