Chapter 10

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What the heck, John!
My boyfriend already decked my ex in the jaw, and I knew for sure he had it coming.
Panic swept over me and I hugged John again.

Who knew what Jefferson was going to do to him?

"John, what are we going to do?" I ask him.

"Stay calm." He turns around and closes the door.

"You don't understand, do you, John? This is serious!"

"I was defending you! He called you stupid, and a coward! I can't have that!"

"John, do you know how much crap I've been through? I can handle that!"

"But I can't! I have to protect you."

"No, you don't John."

"Yes I do, Alexand-"

I cut him off with a kiss to the lips, long sweet and passionate. I felt his lips brush roughly against mine and a million feelings rushed through me at once. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer. I dug my fingers into his soft hair and groan. The groan just pushes him over the edge because he semi-aggressively pushed me on his bed. Our mouths open to each other's, tasting the sides of our mouths. I shiver as he slides his hand up my shirt and over my sides. I tug on his hair band until it gives way and the low ponytail becomes a poofy mess of hair. He takes of my shirt and explores my chest, each spot he touches earning him a shiver from me. He finds a soft spot and I flutter my eyes and groan again. Things heat up fast and we are suddenly a tangle of arms and legs. Every feeling I've ever felt was expressed on my face. I'm hot then cold then sweaty. But that doesn't matter because it's just us and only us. That's all it needs to be.

I don't think I've ever felt this good. Not in a very long time. And I've never been better.

Note to self- John always tops.


What were ya doin there, Alex?
*suggestive eyebrow wiggle*
Sum smut!
I need help.
Until next time!
Luv y'all💗😻😘💕

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