Chapter 5

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"Then Lafayette, the new kid, came towering over me literally, and-"
I look over at Eliza, half asleep. Eliza's a good listener, but even she can get tired of my mouth. We were sitting in my dorm on my couch, and I was trying to get what happened to me out to Eliza, but she was out of it.

"Eliza, are you drunk?" I say. She sat up.

"No, no, of course not. I'm just tired. Peggy filled me in with everything, though." Eliza said, Half yawning.

"Should I ask him out?"

"That's what I would do! But I don't really know anything else. I'm not gay. Not that I'm saying being gay's a bad thing, it's not, I mean my sister's gay-"



"Calm down."

Eliza sleepily laid her head on me. I sighed. Eliza was no help at all. I got up, making Eliza fall on the couch. She cursed under her breath, but was soon asleep. I walk over to my laptop and take it to my bed.

I don't know why I grabbed my laptop. This stuff I should be figuring out on my own. I had figured things out before and it got me on a one way plane trip to America. If I can do that, I can do anything.

I began thinking of things to say when I heard a knocking at the door.

"Liza! Can you go get that?" I ask.

She groaned angrily and I heard her feet drag on the floor. I heard the door open and Eliza's sleepy voice, but this time with more energy.

"Alex! You have a visitor! Incase you have a make out session, I'm going to leave." She called to me.

I hear rapid footsteps then the door closing.

I stare at my door frame, waiting for the visitor to step in. A few seconds later, a freckled face appeared. He was blushing rapidly.

"Was that your friend?" John asked.

Darn it, Liza!

"Um, yeah... sorry about her." I respond.

We stayed quiet while he was exploring my walls, taking in the faint blue wall paper. As he did this, I scanned his facial features. He had pretty hazel eyes and curly cinnamon brown hair. His galaxy of freckles were scattered in random places, almost as if sprinkles covered him like a cake. I look at his shirt. It had a little turtle on it, with confetti all around it.

"You like turtles, huh?" I ask.

"Yeah, they are my favorite animals. In fact, I have three turtles in my dorm. John jr, Lucy, and Duck."

"A turtle... named Duck?"

He nodded and we laughed, but there was still tension. Common, Alex, think of something! A nice smooth pick up line, or a gesture! I had to do something. I was desperate for conversation. More like it, I was desperate for John.

"Are you gay?" I blurted out. I slapped my hands over my mouth. Too desperate for conversation.

His face turned cherry red and he looked away from me. He looked cute when panicked, his hands fidgeting and eyes darting around. He made a cute determined breath.

"Yes, I am gay."

"No sweat." I said, then thought back to Peggy's voice- don't straight out say 'I'm bi'- but I couldn't help it. I was going to have to tell him eventually! Or was the whole point getting him to find out. I don't know, but either way, I wasn't going to listen to Peggy.

"I'm bi."

He chuckled. He looks so relaxed.

"Well I'm in luck. I was afraid I couldn't hit on you because you're straight. But now I can, handsome." He flirts, winking at me. All I do is melt in his eyes. I can't even say anything. Finally I muster up all my courage and say the first thing that comes to mind:

"Yeah, I like you too." What the heck, Alex! Why would you say that? Gahhhh! He's going to hate me, he's going to think I'm weird, that I'm a freak and he's- Wait a minute- smiling? I would have fainted by now.

"Funny thing is, I can return that feeling. You're about the cutest guy I've ever seen."

That threw me totally off guard. I was completely speechless.

"The way you were blushing, I thought you were turning into a tomato!" He laughs happily, sitting on the bed with me.

He stares at me, and I have the sudden urge to kiss him.
Suddenly, the urge doesn't matter because he kissed me first.

Hey guys! Hope you're enjoying this book!
Luv you all!
I'll keep updating, and please comment any positive feedback!  If there's something I need to fix, just tell me.
Luv ya again💗💗😘😘😘❤️❤️💕💕💕

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