Chapter 12

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The music was loud and pumping, and everything seemed very blurry. We had only been at the party for two hours, but Eliza and I were already drunk. And not your usual drunk, it was like you could see stars while you walked drunk.

Eliza and I bet on each other who could drink the most Vodka shots in 30 seconds and she won saying she drank 25. I drank 10. I don't believe her, but when Eliza's drunk she says stuff she doesn't mean to.

But of course our fun didn't stop there because for the most of the time, we just drank Sam Adams and danced. I felt drowsy and stubborn. I probably needed to get out of there, but I was too drunk to do so.

Eliza slammed her body against mine, hot and sweating. Her body made mine crash into a wall. Eliza never had any romantic feelings for me, but the way she looked had me thinking.

"Oh, Alex..." She softly mumbled.

She rubbed her head against my chest and I let her. I wasn't even in control of my own body. She just looked so innocent, so sweet...

The part of my brain that was not drunk screamed no, but whatever part was in control of my body just wasn't having it.

I led her upstairs to a bedroom. I didn't even look at the room. The only thing that mattered was Eliza. Pushing her gently on the bed, so that she was sitting, I leaned in and kissed her.

I didn't know what I was doing. I just couldn't stop. Her lips were soft and plush.

My hands explored her body as she ran her hands through my hair, both of us trying not to faint from being drunk.

John. Oh no. John. I couldn't... but I did. I did. And I did.

Eliza, eyes red, obviously drunk, pulled away and climbed onto the bed.

"Common, Alex. I wouldn't mind."

I knew the Eliza I was friends with would mind, and the not-drunk me would never do it either. But we were drunk. I wasn't in control. She wasn't in control. Control was something that we lacked at the moment. So when I climed the bed and pushed her down and I came over her, I wasn't in control.

I just hope John can understand.


I open my eyes.
I was in a different bed. It felt soft and good, unlike mine at my dorm. I was holding someone in my arms. Their back was pressed to my chest. Their black hair was soft but a bit messy, and they were warm.

Wait. Black hair? John doesn't have black hair. I carefully sit up. I look at the person I slept with.

What? How...

I tried to remember, but nothing was popping up. She slept so soundly. She was going to be devastated that I slept with her. I look down. My chest is bare. I lift the covers.

I'm completely naked.

That's when I realized Eliza was too.

What have we done?


Bet you didn't see that coming!
Luv y'all😘😘😘

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