Chapter 16

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"Jefferson!" I yell to the afro headed student on the side of the building. 

"Ah, Alexander. Have you come to be my boyfriend again?" Jefferson slyly smiled.

"NO." I grit my teeth, trying not to let what Aaron said go through my mouth. "You used Charles Lee as a plan to get Eliza and I too-"

"I know, I know, it was brilliant." he says proudly, cutting me off.  "Too bad you can't tell anyone... if you did, you know what would happen. and I will also tell Aaron's secret too. None of you are safe, so don't screw this up, Alex. Are we clear?"

"Fine." I knew that my secret would hurt John more than breaking up with him. I walk away from Jefferson and into the school to find John in the hallway, talking to Lafayette. John looked beautiful. So happy. I hate that I was going to be the person who ruined his day.

"Hey, John."

"Hey, babe! What's up?" he says causally. The 'babe' stung my heart, and made me get that gut-wrenching feeling.

"Well... um..." I feel a weight on my shoulders and look back. It's Jefferson's hands.

"He's mine now, John, so back off." he says with a snicker.

"What? Jefferson go away! Get your hands of my boyfriend!"

"Alex, care to share why you are leaving him for me? Maybe the truth?"

I couldn't take it anymore. The lies, the avoiding. Letting Jefferson boss me around. I'm so sorry Eliza. Your sisters would kill you. And me. Aaron, I'm sorry too. but I can't hide myself anymore. Maybe lying's just not my thing.


"Hey Papa!" The young Alex ran into his dad's arms.

"Hey big guy, a little birdie told me that it's your birthday!" Alex's dad said as he tickled his son. "So I'm going to go to a store and get you presents!"

Alex's eyes turned huge. "You are?" 

The small family was poor, so Alex never really got a present for his birthday. The Dad nodded and put Alex down. The moment he did, Alex started dancing with joy. Then fell. They both laughed as James, the eldest, walked into the living room of their small trailer where they were laughing. 

"Are you going to get me anything, Papa?" James asked.

"Sure, son." Their dad replied, smiling.

And with that he kissed his sons goodbye and walked out the door. Little did they know that he was never coming back from his 'shopping trip'.

"Momma, where's Papa?" Alex asked a few hours later. His mother had returned from work exhausted, just to find a note with her name on it.

"He's not coming." Their mother's voice cracking with every word. Her eyes filled with tears.

"What?" The little Alex questioned, confused.

"She means he's not coming home." James said in a flat tone. 

"Papa lied, Alex. He lied."


Everything burst out of me like a volcano that's been waiting to explode.

"I'M BREAKING UP WITH YOU BECAUSE I SLEPT WITH ELIZA AND JEFFERSON BLACKMAILED ME!" I scream for the whole school to hear. Everyone's attention is turned towards me but I don't care. All I see is John's hurt expression. 

Then him running away.

I want to go after him, but Lafayette stepped in front of me.

"N'as-tu pas assez fait?"


Sorry I haven't posted in SOOOO long! This chapter took freakin' forever!

LUV YALL (muah)

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