Cut To Jefferson

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"Word is that Alex got back with John."

"That can't be!" I scowl at my best friend, James Madison.

"It's true!" he replied.

How! I had set things up so perfectly... every part of my plan was to break them up, not bring them closer together! But I had to keep my end of the deal. If Alex told the whole school I was blackmailing him... 

I whip out my phone and click on Instagram. Poor Aaron Burr. Sorry Alex didn't keep his deal not to tell.  Now the whole school will know your little secret.

I type in the three sentences and a picture that will ruin Aaron's life. As I was about to click post, a firm hand grabbed my wrist.

"Thomas, are you sure about this?" James asked me, looking me dead in the eye. He sure is pretty.

"I'm positive Jemmy James!"

I knew James wouldn't let me post it, so I sneak a quick kiss to his cheek. He is quickly flustered and his grip loosens enough for me to press post.




Luv ya'll <3 <3 <3

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