Snape Snape severus Snape. Dumbledore.

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*this is after all the Harry Potter books and a few changes made aka Dumbledore is alive.*

*beep* *beep* *be*
The alarm was stopped whilst a shaking pale arm smashed the button on top of the small devil machine. It was still dark outside and drunk muggles could be heard stumbling down the moist pavement.

"Bloody hell there really is no rest for the wicked." A skinny female climbed out of her bed and looked into the mirror hanging over the chest of drawers. The light was switched on and the whole room became illuminated. Small emerald eyes adjusted to the Blackpool illuminations that drained her of all her energy.

After a while, she was dressed in a sleek black dress with black heels. Her make up was done and her red hair seemed to almost glisten. With a wave of her wand, she was packed and with that, she left the small well cared for room and wandered out the front door. Not before throwing the muggle alarm clock very hard at the bin smashing it to pieces. This made her smile knowing she had caused it about as much pain as it had caused her.

Breathing in the chilling air she vibrated softly only to then take a step out removing herself from the shadow of her tiny home. Her wand was placed in the large blue coat she had quickly thrown on as she stepped out. A taxi was pulling up to bring her to the train station.

The ride dragged on but the hour-long drive passed in time. The sun rose and so did the delicate young girl's senses. Her hands were beginning to warm along with the leather black seats that were beneath her.

Once through platform 9 3/4, she was greeted by a few blank faces who hadn't really noticed her arrival.

She politely found her way on to the train and silently sat down remembering her first time on the train and how she met with all of her new friends, the sorting hat and the teachers. She slowly fell into a trans and her dreams overcame her.

She opened the carriage door to find none other than THE HARRY POTTER. Shyly asking to join him and the two others in the carriage, the four of them sat and talked.

Suddenly she heard her name being called and she clamoured onto a brown stool in front of the teacher's table. A hat had been placed on her head and as much as she hoped to join her brave Gryffindor friends she was a Ravenclaw. Smiling sweetly still she met her classmates.

Once sat down the emerald eyes got a good look at the teachers.  There was a turban covered man who smiled too much and a short little man who seemed achieved to have Beth in his house. A woman in green who couldn't keep her eyes off of those sat on the stool. Then there was a short fat woman who's nails were covered in dirt who sat near a mess of a man who seemed to be a strong yet gentle caring man. He was a half-giant for sure but he seemed to be a reasonable man. Then there was it. The man who only seemed to know the colours black and the pale white his skin was. "He looks like a ghost. He is nearly putting my pale Scottish skin to shame." Beth quickly realised others had heard her as they sniggered and she was nudged by an older student. "You don't sound Scottish" a nearly headless ghost stood behind her and before the words could escape her mouth Beth awoke.

The train tooted and she left the empty carriage behind. After a long enough trek, Beth had managed to reach the castle only to be greeted by Dumbledore. "Hello, Miss Styles I am so very glad you could join us. I hope the journey was enjoyable." She nodded as she tried to contain her excitement. Her weak weed like limbs just managing to not fall beneath all of the weight of her luggage.

She was escorted to her room. The head of the Ravenclaws room that was. Her whole face lit up and Dumbledore left her alone to unpack. Dragging the bags up the stairs she fell to the bronze and blue bed. A wave of a wand later her bags were unpacked. Laying down only for a minute, she told herself, suddenly and rudely the young girl was awoken seven hours later. It now being six in the evening.

Stumbling to her feet she wandered down the stairs trying not to catch her heels on the steps as she approached the door that was being attacked so vigorously she feared it would fall in. The door smoothly opened and a tall figure stood to overshadow her miniature 5 foot 7 (I have had a few comments about this. No, 5ft7 isn't short. It is in fact, taller than I am. However, I am referring her height in comparison to Snape who is significantly taller than she is. Shout out to my short kings and queens). He was easily 6 foot at least. That is when the smell hit her and she knew who it was. Him. Severus Snape. "If you really are too..." he stopped dead in his tracks as he realised who he was speaking to. At first, he mistook her for lily but alas it was not.

Gaining courage her little eyes ventured up and took in his frame. His pale and not a day older face. His brooding being along with those onyx eyes that were like pools for her to be swallowed up in.

Noticing she was staring at him like he was the Dali lama he opened his mouth and only managed to form "what?" She smiled warmly but fake nonetheless at him and almost pondered a laugh at his obvious stupidity. Then reality kicked in and her head span "You're dead. No, I saw you. I...I...I tried to. No. What?" Beth spat out and quickly ran out of words to finish off the sentence.

"Obviously I am not dead. You really are as thick as I remember aren't you!" He squinted his eyes as he finished his sentence. "What do you mean you saw me?" Her words were replaying in his head and she just remembered his cold dead body laying stagnant with the marks left by the foul beast Voldemort kept with him. As she remembered the snake her whole body shook and she got goosebumps. "The snake. You. Harry. I tried to save you but I couldn't.  You didn't care." He stared as though she had just admitted to being a Capricorn. "Care about what?" He said and before he could continue she seethed "me." Once she gained composure she continued "anyway I don't care for dinner. I assume that is why you came to get me." Shaking his head he turned around "you never eat. Ever."

All Beth could think was 'if when you say thick you mean it to be a double c then yes. I am that if not even thicker than before.' Her thoughts were only there to soothe her.

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