oh yeah. I forgot.

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The weekend passed too quickly for teachers and students alike. Soon Monday came and so did the students. "Goodmorning..." Dumbledore addressed the hall as a whole. After the usual speech the lunch arrived. As the professors all sat there Styles overheard a few conversations about Christmas.  "Oh yeah I forgot. Did you like your present?" Beth turned to Mini and the witch smiled. "Indeed. I have worn the necklace at almost all times since." A smile spread across the  professors expression as gratitude for the present. After, the same question was asked by the young woman to all of the other professors and a similar response was made. Snape was on the other side of the table and Beth just didn't bother asking. She knew he probably didn't. "So my dear, could you possibly aid me in my lesson tomorrow with the first years?" Minerva asked politely. "Of course. I suppose you wish for me to show my animagus." A nod was given in reply and both continued as they were. "Oh actually what period is your first years lesson?" "Of course it is third. I did check that you were free."

After lunch it was Beths turn to be on duty. She started where all professors were expected to start from and she was met by who would be on duty with her. 'Damn Snape.' The two began walking and the silence was crippling for the two of them. "So. Did you like the book?" The little witch asked hoping to alleviate the awkward silence. "Indeed. I had no clue muggles were so great when it came to writing." Beth smiled deep inside. "She has written more if you wish you could borrow them." "I am sure I shall be able to find them." Snape sounded arrogant and stubborn. "Not in the wizarding word." Snape grunted. "Very well. I would love to." "My personal favourite is." A second of thought later Beth spoke "Pride and Prejudice."  Beth thought about the book and the resemblance of Snape and Collins. "There is a man called Mr Collins. You will relate with him. Although you are a lot smarter." Snape glanced side ways. "Don't try and flatter me." He spoke but Beth rolled her eyes. "He is as thick as they come. You aren't that thick just a little thick." She felt proud that she spoke as she did. Even if they were both on other sides of the hallway. 'The more distance the better' she thought to herself.

"What did you get for Christmas?" He asked quietly not really interested but feeling he must. "Oh don't be silly. It doesn't work like that. I got the gift of knowing I brought the right presents for the right people." Suddenly Snape was intrigued. "You didn't get anything did you?!" He spoke knowing the answer. She shook her head. "Why would I? " she asked genuinely curious. Snape remained quiet. "Minerva?" She looked at his chest avoiding his eyes and looked confused. "Why would she? She has given me enough." Beth looked back and continued. The patrol didn't seem to end as they both walked.

As she walked her owl Rosaline swept over Beth and dropped a letter. She opened it and there were a few pictures within the envelope. In the pictures stood a young little ginger girl. One was a picture of the girl holding an older man's hand and walking whilst she looked excited, the two kept smiling and the young girl would swing the hand that was being held by the older man. She looked like a normal young girl should.

Another was the same young girl with a small towel wrapped around her hand as she looked and pointed to something just out of the picture. She kept spinning the towel around. She wore a small pink night dress and the sun was still rising.

Finally the last picture was the same girl, a little younger, stood wearing only wellies, a nappy and a lamp shade on her head with a toy riffle. Her head was bald and it was evident no hair had started to grow by this point. She kept fake shooting something just off the picture. In all of the photos the girl was smiling and happy. Snape noticed the smile and thought the young girl could not be Beth. The little girl smiled so genuinely, whilst all of Beth could not muster a genuine smile that followed up to her eyes. 'A daughter?' Snape thought. 'The young girl looks about five. It would fit. Her leaving school nearly six years ago now. She must be about 23 or 24.' Snape thought. He didn't ask as he didn't actually care or he feared the answer, either way he wasn't sure.

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