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"Why are you so confused?" She smiled faux joyfully. He stared a little longer then scowled. "In we go. You will freeze to death." She was disappointed to say the least. But not angry she didn't like to feel angry unless really necessary. "You could have saved some for me." She smiled sweetly but fakely Snape noted which only seemed to make Professor Snape deepen his scowl. "You shouldn't be drinking. You are too..." he stopped as he heard her scoff. "Oh no please continue I am so absolutely intrigued. I am too young? Clumsy? Dainty? Oh no I am ditsy, aren't I?" She let out making sure he knew she didn't approve his statement nor what he was going to say. She continued the sentence seeing as he wasn't going to "what? Minerva got your tongue? You didn't hold back when I was your student and you informed both me and my aunts of how much of a blithering idiot I was for my full marks. What did you call me once?  Oh yeah 'you are all three of the un's. Unimportant. Unnecessary. Unlovable' that's what you said." She finished and he winced at her repeating him.

Walking into the castle she sighed and started to walk a little faster than him. "Oh professor sorry best not forget this." She stated with a hushed tone whilst handing his cape back. He gripped it and pulled it away as though he was angry. "I suppose I shall see you tomorrow Miss Styles" he stated with a matter of fact tone which made Beth smile internally. "I suppose you shall." Her voice was bland and bored which seemed to cover her true feelings.

She wandered back to her room and slipped some pyjamas on that left nothing to the imagination. They were short shorts that didn't quite cover her bum and a tight tank top touching every curve she had. Her rather large bosoms looked like they were trying to escape. She climbed in and curled up into a ball so she could sleep and sleep she did. The familiar feeling of sleep smothered her.

She woke continuously throughout the night. 2.15, 3.47, 4.20 then 5.01. Two hours after this she awoke to knocking at the door again. Not thinking twice she crawled down the stone steps that led to her bedroom and slid open the door slightly. A shocked professor stood in front of her. "You are lucky I am not a student Beth." A Scottish accent murmured at her. Beth instantly realised her clothes and opened the door enough to hide herself but allow Mcgonagall in. "I am so sorry I didn't think." A smile crossed the head of Gryffindor's face as Beth blushed. "Do not worry my dear I have come to collect you for breakfast. Seeing your state of undress I shall wait for you in here." Minerva pointed then wandered into the small divit in the wall where a sofa, arm chair and a small table were located. The space was identical to her own with only different dominant colours. The walls were as bland and stone as everywhere else. Styles did seem to have her living area as more of a space that displayed no living at all. Although no dust gathered there was no example of living. Blank and untouched the space was uncommonly empty. Minerva knew that the house elves where the ones to dust as well so as far as could be seen the space hadn't been occupied by Bethany at all.

Ten minutes later Beth ran down the stairs in a long sleeved black top that hugged her and a black pair of dungaree shorts that stopped perhaps too high. With a smile the two women walked to the great hall. As they sat next to each other Beth realised Snape was on her other side. "Do you have any modest clothes or are you determined to have students staring at you?" Snape seemed smug as he was speaking to her. Neither turned to face each other but Beth replied "don't be silly you stare too. Besides I have black tights on." She smiled as she knew she had him but he didn't want to give in. "Professor your tights are clearly not opaque and only tint your pale skin. As well as this your heels seem to highlight the matter." A laugh tickled Mcgonagall's throat as she overheard this exchange. "I forgot you were a guru when it came to fashion. Please senpai teach me your ways." She was barely not smiling to further annoy the man and Mcgonagall was chuckling at the reply.

"That is not the first time you have called me a 'fashion guru' yet I do not know what this means. Also who or what is this senpai?" His voice was velvet like always and Beth got goosebumps. "Wouldn't you like to know." She stated so only Mcgonagall and Snape could hear her. A small chuckle was heard from the head of Gryffindor's lips and a scowl crossed the head of Slytherin's lips. The three heads of houses all sat there like a set of troubled teens and only one seemed to not be enjoying themselves. "Beth you are teasing a very hungry bear with those comments." Mcgonagall spoke blandly but a little joy could be heard. Beth enjoyed the underlying connotation and merely glanced sideways at the two. Quickly breakfast appeared in front of everyone and the students erupted with glee and started eating. Beth however, as usual did not wish to take part in the uptake of food. She wanted nothing less, other than a forced conversation with the care taker. He gave her the creeps.

After twenty minutes Beth swung her legs around and went to leave. Snape glared at her and began "you cannot survive without food." Smiling nicely she rose to her feet. Noticing he was staring at her body he pulled himself from her. He felt her presence become lower till her head was close to his. She was still looking forward when she whispered "why would I suddenly start eating now when I haven't properly eaten since before I started Hogwarts?" She picked herself up and walked out. She felt the teachers eyes on her as she strutted out of the hall, hips swaying as she did so. Sighing beth brought herself to the damp classroom in the dungeons.

Snape sat there feeling infuriated. 'That insufferable girl' he thought and continued eating. As he finished his breakfast he arose and walked out. As he did this he walked past Albus who looked up and stated "she isn't your young student anymore Severus. She is a grown woman remember." Snape stopped himself rolling his eyes as this was done and continued walking to his classroom.

After sitting for a few minutes and preparing lessons Snape was interrupted by a sudden and quiet set of footsteps echoing through the hall and a subtle set of knocks on his vast oak door. He reluctantly stopped writing and set his quill down. Raising his head straight up he could not yet see who was at the door as it was shut. He sighed as he brought himself to his feet and an echo vibrated throughout the classroom with every step. He halted at the door and swung it open. He stood disapointed as he took in a final breath, before looking at who it was he muttered "who are you interrupting me before class?" He opened and raised his eyes. Moaned quietly not realising he could be heard and waited for them to start talking.

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