I mean okay.

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As Beth awoke she realised she was dressed. She wore an oversized jumper and some shorts. As she laid there she feared she had dreamt then she felt the arm that was smoothly cuddling her in. She felt joyful but swiftly stopped as she realised she could no longer smell the potions and bitterness that always radiated off of the DA professor. She sat up and realised who it was. Minerva laid there silently. Moving to escape the professor questions plagued the woman's mind. 'How did she get in? Where the hell is Snape? It was a dream...' she stopped thinking like this when a letter caught her eye. It was placed on the arm of the sofa.

Bethany Elizabeth Styles

Was written along the front of the envelope. She swiftly opened the letter as she recognised the writing to be broody himself.

Dear Bethany,

I am sure you have many questions. I asked a house elf to fetch Minerva. I figured you should have someone there that you could talk to. I have realised my mistake and I would like to apologise. I hope you can accept my words and know I would take it back if I could. I had a weak moment. I was slightly in shock as Minerva had just paid me a sudden visit. It was stupid of me to take advantage of a young, irresponsible, somewhat fickle witch such as yourself.



I also cleaned the bed and your hair with magic. I thought Minerva would appreciate it. I for one would have if placed in her situation.

Beth was confused. "Fickle?" She couldn't understand. "Take it all back? Well I suppose I shall make you take those words back. You will wish you could take this letter back. I will make you want..." she was stopped when Minerva walked out. She had dressed and began questioning. "Who is the letter from dear?" She asked kindly as she noticed the pale face of the young girl. "Oh. Um. No one of any importance." She spoke as her whole body yearned for Mini to hug her.

Beth turned around to face Minerva. Walking a little quickly she reached her and hugged the older woman. Beth had got what she needed. Minerva tried to read the letter but to no avail. Beth folded it and burnt it. Realising she would never know Minerva looked around. "My dear." Her face was covered in worry and fear. "Why is there blood on your legs?" She asked fearing the answer.

Looking down dread smothered Beth. 'Fabulous. He cleans the bed and not my legs. Who does that?' She thought rather perplexed. "Oh do not worry. I am sure it was just..." being cut off by Minerva swiftly. "Don't tell me it is your period. I know it is not." She was direct and Beth had no explanation.

"Did Snape hurt you?" Minerva asked and well 'technically he did cause the blood and it hurt as well as that damned letter. But I cannot just say yes and leave it there. I cannot explain either. Snape wouldn't be able to suffer the wrath of my teasing if he were dead.' She thought and tried to say something but couldn't until she gave in.

"It is nothing but self inflicted." Instant regret over came Beth. "I thought you stopped." The old women spoke barely audible. "NO. Not that." She was royally fucked. "Balls" she quietly spoke and slightly smiled at the irony. "What happened?" Was asked and Beth turned red remembering. "Please. I just need to stop all of this before I say anything. Why would you suspect Snape?" Beth asked curiously.

"Well I was summoned rather early by Trixy the house elf this morning saying Snape would leave your door slightly open and he requested that I come and stay with you. Why? I dare ask." She spoke with evident authority. "He was just thinking that I needed a person to be with me this morning. I was unaware at the time of course. I was informed before you came downstairs. He wasn't here. He had another method of informing me." A nod was given in reply and even with the Gryfindor courage no answer would leave the stubborn Ravenclaw.

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