Please just leave me alone.

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"I have been searching for ages. Can you please help me find the powdered root of asphodel and wormwood?" Professor Styles asked honestly. She had been searching for twenty minutes and had lost all hope.

"Why would I know?" Snape snapped back quickly his voice was displaying obvious annoyance and his face grimaced down at her. He too appeared to have lost patience with something. "You were the one who organised the potions cabinet were you not?" She furrowed her brows and as she spoke the room radiated tension that both parties felt. He sighed and stepped in front of her, he walked on and Beth remembered from being a student that him walking meant she was supposed to follow. After a while they stopped out side the cabinet, the young girl panted as she had run to keep up with the brooding professor.  "It will all be on your right and if not try looking harder." He mocked her as he said this. Glee sprang to his eyes as he took in her obvious tired state and she sheepishly opened the door. "I will search for it. Thank you anyway." Her tone was flat and showed annoyance as she returned looking at the exact same glass viles as before. "I was helping you and yet you seem to be angry. There is no way to help you." Beth was upset and held back a whimper 'why am I upset that he is annoyed with me?' Her thoughts spoke and all she could do was look confused. Snapping back to reality a reply was sounded "I do not get angry. I get irritated but no more than irritated." She said with a dismissive tone. A mocking sound left Snape as he turned around and left her alone. She didn't cry but she very much wanted to.  Her cold exterior showed no emotion but she seemed flat.

As she gave up and wanted to wallow in self pity something caught her eye. There they were in the far left corner both of the wanted ingredients were there next to each other.  She smiled in disbelief, grabbed them whilst feeling smug that he had gotten something wrong. Eventually it was decided that Beth had finished and so she left holding viles and feeling smug still.

All too quickly according to all the teachers the lessons began and Beth had even come to know her students even just a little. The first years were all eager to learn and to please whilst older years seemed to be pleased and her smiling face won over the hearts of all the students. As the last lesson of another day came to a close one of the first years approach her "professor." Beth smiled sweetly masking her tired mind. "Yes my dear how may I help you?" His eyes were hazel and full of first year fear "I was wandering if you knew how I could get to the library. I tried to get there earlier but I ended up outside the Slytherin common room." Smiling politely the professor rose to her feet. "Right the lesson is over you may all leave." She crouched down and met the boys eyes "I shall take you there now." They wandered down to the library and the young Gryfindor walked right in and sat with some fellow first years.

"Touching" a sarcastic tone grunted behind her. "You are bloody everywhere. I went years thinking you were dead now I do not seem to be able to get away from you." A delicate voice replied which could make almost any heart whither away. Snape really didn't seem bothered though. "You were absent at lunch." He bitterly responded. "And you are a bitter old man. Should we state any other facts? Your alcoholism is another good place to start I believe." She snapped irrationally back to him with a deadly glare. "Your glare does not scare me. It just makes you look like a fluffy bunny that is desperate." He joyfully half smiled and raised his left brow. "Who says I was not aiming for a desperate bunny look?" She innocently asked whilst mocking him by fluttering her eyelashes to look adorable. Snape had an urge that he suppressed and he growled. "You are not some bloody dog stop growling." She mocked slightly flirtatiously, as she could not stand still she kept swaying the top half of her body whilst her feet firmly stayed stagnant on the cold flood.

There were a few moments of silence whilst she contemplated the words she had muttered. Her feet were now the most fascinating thing she had ever seen. "No matter how hard you look at your shoes they shan't change Miss Styles." She hated him calling her that. It reminded her of being a student again and laying limply in his arms as he saved her again and again.

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