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(Last chapter)

~~~~~~11 years later~~~~~~

"Girls down you get the train will leave even if you are not there." A voice shouted up the stairs of a handsome four-bedroom house. "We're coming!" Two flat voices shouted down. As soon as that was said two young girls came stomping down the steps. Bags in tow as they jump down every step. "Don't be too loud." A clearly tired voice replied. "Sorry." The two replied in sync. "Right hold my hand and off we go." The two children did just that and after they appear to have been dragged through a tube, feet made contact with the ground. "I still feel sick." A wave of Bethany's hand silenced the young girl. "Now you two. Be good and don't give me or your father any trouble. Also, don't forget in class we are to be called professor." Eager nods were made in return and off they ran to the steaming train that screamed with joy.

With a pop and some floo powder, Beth made it into her office. After a few hours, Albus walked in with a great smile on his face "How was it?" The keen old man asked. "Fine thank you Dumbledore but I think we have another set of troublesome twins on our hands." The two laughed and made their way to the Great Hall.  Once sat down Beth turned to her right. "We will have fun." A huff was made in reply as the older students made their way in.

Minerva walked in with the first years in tow and they all stared excitedly. All of the professors listened out for their house but was caught out when a few familiar names were read. "Albus Severus Potter." Up stood a child who clearly resembled Harry and Ginny. "I hope you are flattered," Beth spoke to Snape and he slightly smiled. Finally "Daisy Eileen Snape." McGonagall shouted and up stood a child who could have been mistaken for her mother. Her smile could make the dark lord himself happy. Once on the stool, a few moments passed and finally it shouted. "Ravenclaw." Pride filled both professors as the child went and sat down at the cheering table.

"Rosaline Minerva Snape" was shouted next and hushed murmurs of "two?" Echoed in the hall but silence fell as the young child sat on the stool. Both faces showed hope of being together and fear overwhelmed them. A second later and a little whisper the hat shouted "Ravenclaw." Sighs of relief were made by the children and they sat merrily whilst others talked to them.

Once the ceremony was over Mini sat down. "We are going to have our hands full." She complained as Albus chuckled. "Weasley's and Potter's Never mind Snape's. Mr Potter, Mr Weasley and Miss Granger were enough trouble." A loving look was placed along the halls as Beth knew. It would be trouble-filled, but worth every second.

Dumbledore gave his usual speech and food appeared. "You know if it wasn't for those black orbs those girls would look exactly like me when I was their age," Beth spoke to Snape and he too could see the resemblance. "Well, they got lucky at least. Their eyes must be their redeeming feature." He stopped when Albus Potter walked up to them. "Professor" He spoke weakly. A lot of eyes were on him. "My dad asked me to give you this." He was terrified but handed her a parcel. "Thank you, Mr Potter, I shall have to write back." With a small smile, he sat down again.

After returning to her classroom Beth swiftly opened the parcel. Out came a book filled with moving pictures. Pictures of Beth and the trio. They smiled so widely. Good and bad memories flushed into the Professors mind. There was a note.

This is for the Christmas you missed 15 years ago when you first became a teacher.


Wiping a tear away Beth whispered. "I did get a Christmas present after all." Her mind wandered back to the discussion she and Snape had in the hall just before the letter about Henry arrived.
Immediately she began a reply.

Dear Harry James Potter and Ginevra Molly Potter.

I would like to say thank you but I am still utterly surprised. I have seen you quite a few times, I dare say a few times a year, since that Christmas.  I have even spent other Christmas' with you and yet now you give it to me. I am so thankful and do love it especially the one of me after one of the twin's pranks and the one of me dancing with my Freddie at the ball. I shall see you soon.

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