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As the sun rose so did the professors. They all began dressing at similar times as the sun clawed at their window begging for their attention. Groans were heard when the professors realised that they had to get up and curtains were drawn. A glimpse of joy covered a few faces for a few seconds as they realised there were no lessons to teach nor students to pay attention to. Dresses and cloaks were pulled on and shoes were begrudgingly placed upon feet. Eventually doors opened and all of the professors mentally swore as they approached the headmaster's office for a meeting.

All of the teachers gathered at the door as they arrived at similar times. The stairs were climbed and a few 'good morning' greetings could be heard. Every single teacher was sat like a seventh year in trouble as they listened to the headmaster greet them. It was obvious he too had not been awake for long. "Well I suppose that you will all like to get this meeting done. Well. The students and in turn the lessons shall soon be arriving and carried out..." the whole team of teachers agreed and half heartedly assisted the old wizard as they listened to his troubles.

Soon, but not soon enough for the teachers involved, the meeting ended. Quickly Snape then Poppy left. The other teachers slowly trickled out as they all had a question of their own. Eventually Minerva and Albus were left to talk a little while. A lot was said but Mcgonagall smiled politely as she left. She had obviously been having quite an important talk but neither wanted to speak anymore on the subject.

As Minerva sat down in the great Hall for breakfast Albus joined and the teachers all served their food whilst chatting amongst themselves. Soon footsteps were heard and Professor Styles walked calmly in. A few sorrow filled eyes saw her and she pretended to ignore them. 'Damn Snape went to Dumbledore who obviously spoke to Mini.' The other teachers had heard of no reason to feel sorry for the young professor and so carried on with only a surprised face to see the young witch.

"What has tempted you to join us this morning? I thought I saw you head for your chambers after the meeting this morning." Snape slowly spoke as the young witch pulled her chair in. "I needed to get out of my own head. I needed a distraction." Was all that was said but she knew Mini and Dumbledore had heard as they both looked apologetically at her. The fakest smile plastered her face and all of those around her fell for it.

After playing with her food and eating very little the Potions Mistress left and went for a walk. The halls were cold so she had grabbed a cloak to wear. Snow had laid evenly over the grounds but had reached the middle of the shins of the petite witch. She walked slowly and calmly. Approaching the lake she sat and smothered her body in the large cloak. The cold helped her to feel and think again. She was so numb to her surroundings she could focus on what wasn't around her but her feelings.

Silently watching the lake Professor Styles watched as a snow storm started once again. Inches of snow fell whilst the young witch pondered. She had refused herself to think of her parents or family but she once again thought of them. She silently sat as she watched the weather worsen. Rather than cower away to her quarters she sat thinking. The trees swayed and gave into the wind. Weak branches broke and trees were suffocated by the falling snow.

The Potions Mistress didn't notice the gathering snow around her. The snow was now at her neck whilst sat. She leaned into the walls around her. It soon became dark and Beth still did not return. It wasn't until she heard a familiar comforting voice behind her that she snapped out of it. "BETHANY. BETH. BOO." The thick Scottish voice screeched and the thin witch stood up. The snow was up to her thighs. She knew she had a long walk back. "Lumos" the tip of Beth's wand lit up and Mcgonagall sighed. "Oh come on my dear you'll catch your death. Come on." The older witch directed with her arms as Beth followed like a student again. They quickly reached the castle, well quickly considering the thick snow.

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