Baby boy.

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The day quickly ended and so did the week. Beth had fully prepared for her lessons that she would be teaching when the students returned and she had brought and gifted all her Christmas presents. With the occasional apology for having to cancel due to her poor health, she had decided not to visit the trio. On a sunny day the young girl found herself with Hagrid. "Do all of the students normally go home? I thought that at least a few normally stayed." The delicate witch spoke to the half giant. "Er uh. No." Was all she got as a reply. A little confused by his bluntness Beth pushed further. "Why have they all gone?" Her voice was curious and tired. Her guard had slipped since the time with her aunts. Slowly she got back to it and she was beginning to be her emotionless self. "I shouln't say." He said in his rough accent. But Beth refused to back down. "Please?" She asked and looked sweetly at him. "Er well I er. Studens ave been sayn yous a par of dem peoples oo fough in duh war. Dey wanna know for sure." The sentence was disjointed and confusing but Beth realised she was the reason after all.

"Why would they want to go home to do that? Surely they can do that from the school. Or ask me." The miniature witch asked in an inquisitive manner.

"Outter school them can talk free like though."

the red head nodded and the two walked politely and had the occasional small discussion about the new term around the corner. As the walk came to an end at Hagrid's hut the two said their goodbyes and Beth walked back to the castle. The castle was quiet and Beth liked it that way. She wandered aimlessly and found herself by the great Hall.

She walked in swiftly and alone. She walked up the tables to the teachers table. Not really thinking she sat down and began tapping the table with her nails in the tune of S&M. She had fully hummed and tapped the tune when she gathered herself together and left for her classroom to complete an audit.

An hour passed and Beth had a list of all the required ingredients. With a click of her fingers Daisy appeared. "Hey Daisy I need these ingredients could you get them please?" With a nod Daisy had the list and left to buy the required ingredients. Beth was once again left alone and she began cleaning her desk. Marked homework and lesson plans were all neatly placed whilst very little remained on the rest of the desk. She was singing quietly the lyrics to S&M. "Sticks and stones may break my bones but chains and whips excite me." As she delicately sang this Snape made himself known.

Beth had a face of the most red tomato. "How... how much did you hear?" She asked frightened of his answer. "From the words 'feels so good being bad'". He said and smiled inside as the professor in front of him turned even more red. "You. You have heard it all?" She asked and he nodded. "I didn't know you liked that stuff. It sounds painful. Who exactly turns you on? And what does sex smell like?" Her face showed all of her fear and confusion. "Oh. Well I. Um. Don't know." She answered sheepishly.
He raised a brow and knew he had made her feel uncomfortable. His knees were still weak just because she was near him. "Why don't you know?" He asked a little wondrous as to how she didn't. "I haven't been in a situation where there was... sex to be smelt." She quietly stated the last line and wished to be alone to cringe her heart out. The whole situation was just awkward, the embarrassment was overwhelming.

He walked closer to her and stood hovering over her sat figure. She rose so she was chest to face with him and he lowered his head to be able to lift her chin. They were so close when he spoke with a hushed tone "you should know since you were once my student that I do not tolerate liars." His tone was intentionally seductive and Beth wanted to pounce on him. "Well sir as you know very well I must not tell lies Umbride taught me that perminantly. Besides I wouldn't dream of misleading you." He was so close to her and they both spoke lustfully.

Immediately regretting their position both pulled away. Beth smoothed down her dress and she stood awkwardly. Snape looked down and apologised. As he went to leave he turned around. "Do you mind if I come over tonight?" He was shocked at his bravery but his voice did slightly falter. A smile grew on the witches face to sooth. "What time?" A sigh was sounded from the DA professors mouth but was unheard by any but him. "I can get the house elves to bring dinner." He spoke. "Or I could cook." Professor styles retorted and Snape simply agreed.

When left alone Beth left for the kitchens to ask for the required ingredients. On her way back up she was greeted by Dumbledore. "Bethany I hope to see you at dinner." He spoke in a demanding manner but politely at the same time. "I am terribly sorry but Professor Snape has taken it upon himself to make sure I eat tonight. He has told me that he shall come by for dinner." The headmaster nodded politely and he had no clue as the meaning for the night. Snape had asked for her company. 'He only wanted to make sure you don't starve.' The witch thought as Dumbledore walked on.

Beth retreated back to her room and saw the ingredients already there. She smiled and began cooking. The lasagne sheets were soaking and she had midway made the filling for the chicken lasagne when a knock echoed and the witch had to quickly leave the kitchen.

With a heave the door opened and Minerva was stood there. "Mini!" The young witch spoke and Mcgonagall smiled. "My dear. Dumbledore just spoke to me. You aren't going to join us tonight. Why?" The oblivious witch asked and Beth beckoned to be followed as she made her way to the kitchen. 

"Snape has taken it upon himself to make sure he eats with me tonight. He used to do this when I was a student. He would invite me to his classroom and demand I ate something. It isn't much. Now I think of it both you and him used to make sure I ate all the time." As this was said they entered the kitchen.

Mini smiled remembering the times she had made the young witch eat an apple.

"Well I hope your lasagne goes well." And with that Mini leant against the side. They talked about their lives and what they had been up to. As they spoke the time was noticed. Mini made her way to the hall and Beth finished up with her lasagne. She placed the food into the warm oven and laid on her sofa. The witch hadn't carried out so much or completed such strenuous tasks since the unforgivable curses and her weak body showed this through shaking. Laying limply on the sofa sleep was sought once again.

She dreamt of her days with the golden trio. Her time with the Malfoys and the lessons she was subject to.

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