I do love a cheeky ball.

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Beth watched as her Ravenclaw students rushed through the common room to quickly gain assistance from one another. A few shouts could be heard as the girls and boys all talked rather decidedly about what they would wear and how it should be worn. Smiling half heartedly Professor Styles remembered her schooling days and how she had the same conversation with Cho and it was safe to say Cho lost.

As she was caught up in her thoughts Beth hardly realised that she was humming a song she loved dearly but told no one about. 'Papercuts' by Lucy Spraggan. "It's all over now.  Mine are the hands you can trust. Scars from a time that were lost. Slowly the blade turns to rust. Remember these aren't your fears their just papercuts." She quietly sang so as to not be heard. Snapping out of it she smiled and left the common room to help the teachers in the great Hall finish up.

As she did so Snape walked passed her angrily with a sneer on his face as he saw her. Absolutely confused as to what she had done wrong she followed him till he approached his private quarters.

"Stop following me. Haven't you tormented me enough?" He spat. She knew she had no clue as to what to do she walked right up to him so she was now directly outside his door and whispered "shrieking shack." Then swiftly led a bewildered Severus into his chambers. "How?" Was all he spoke and she looked at him till he realised a moment later.  "You never told me what happened in the... that night. I have a right to know. I was the one who nearly died." He smoothly said with his velvet voice that slightly excited Beth.

"Correction you did die. Also stop living in the past Snape. It doesn't suit you. Anyway what have I done and why are you angry?" She asked directly and very politely at the same time.

"You know why. I do not like to dance." He directed all his hatred at her but a small part wanted to taste her lips and he slightly smiled but caught himself before it was too noticeable.

She was slightly turned on by his masculine voice 'it's only because you are on your period beside you don't even like him in that way' she berated herself then replied in a tone she didn't even realise to be seductive "oh but you dance so..." she stopped momentarily so she could step closer. She was now breathing the same air as him. She really wanted to make sure he heard "beautifully." She smiled innocently not even realising the excitement she had stirred that if it was not so covered in layers the effects of her voice would have been very evidently known. Of course a slight change was noticed but Beth put it down to the lighting and poor visual she had.

"I would prefer it if you would step out of my private...quarters." he spoke as to try and wait the situation out without her. "Now." He sounded quiet. Too quiet as he spoke.

"What's wrong? Are you really that angry with me? I am so s-sorry." She spoke trying to contain her shaking body what was frozen to the core from the bellow freezing temperatures. Snape assumed he had upset her but he just needed her out so rolled his eyes to try and get her out.

"O-okay. I-I w-will g-get g-go-going." She was frozen. She couldn't feel a thing. "Wait." 'Shut up Severus she needs to leave' he thought but knew he had to say something. "Have I upset you?" He sounded harsh and knew she was too smart to say yes so he continued "even if I had you would not admit to it. Now, how can I help you?" He hadn't finished saying 'you' when she just turned and left. "Bethany" he bellowed but she was gone. "Bloody woman. Now Dumbledore insists I dance with another teacher. I guess I will end up with her. Pffh" he spoke but no one heard.

Beth ran to her bedroom and jumped under her duvet to try get warm. "How does that bloody man do it?  I was frozen." She thought about how rude she must have seemed but didn't care, she was cold. An hour passed and thoughts were gathered, standing up again the great Hall was cautiously approached and entered. She was greeted by some teachers. The staff had been told they were to wear their usual clothes and everyone had kept to that. She was getting warmer and decided to start helping. Before long all was done and ready for students.

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