So to be clear.

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Walking up to her bed again, lighting the candles behind her, she was so confused. He was dead. She layed down again and this time not only did sleep but also a memory overcame her.

The snake had just bitten Snape when she was walking up to a small covering behind where Voldemort stood. As he left Harry, Ron and Hermione stepped out. A few words were muttered but she could hear nothing. She remained hidden as he slipped into darkness. She knew she didn't want to cry in front of them.

They left and Beth brought herself to him. Grabbing the potion in her pocket his words filled her head "put a stopper on death" the small vile of curare vivere would be enough surely. She poured the rotten smelling potion down his throat. She knew he might still be able to live all he had to do was care. She remembered what the book said 'pour into the mouth of the dying or partially dead person or at least momentarily dead person and as long as both the giver and taker care about each other even to the smallest degree in the world the dead shall live.'

He just had to care for her. She sat still on his legs that were sprawled a front of him and started crying after five minutes. "Why don't you care?" she managed to choke out as he slipped into the abyss. She brought her face to his breast and sobbed. Her eyes closed and her hands screwed into the small weak fists holding onto his black robes. Lifting her head anger overcame her and she screamed demanding he just care for her even just a little. Knowing her attempts were in vain she was about to rise when she thought 'only a part of him has to care. If I make my blood apart of his then surely that will work.' She knew it was utter bull but she was scared. With some broken glass she sliced her thumb and made it meet his open wound.

It hurt and she felt the sting but didn't care her heart was stinging. She took one more embrace and pulled away raising her head and for the first time in her life did something she didn't like. She had of course kissed a boy but she had never kissed a dead male teacher. Her lips rested on his momentarily and she stood up and for the first time since she was younger let those out side see her cry as she stepped out and killed on coming death eaters. She ran and ran killing and defending. Through the great Hall when she suddenly saw Fred.

Anger boiled in her which made her then swear to never get this angry again. She walked out until she saw Narcissa who over the past few months had treated Beth as a daughter. Beth ran to her and embrassed her only muttering "he's gone. Snape, he is gone." Narcissa grabbed her tight and protected her as they both fell to he earth because Beth's legs had given way beneath her.

Beth suddenly woke up. Her eyes were puffed and red. She had been crying. Checking her watch she saw it was three. She re-lit the candles and knew she was awake now. "Why can I not just flipping sleep. Am I some reject?" She flipped herself off in the mirror next to her chest of draws. With a wave of her wand she had fresh makeup on and new clothes. A long sleeved tight white top with leather pants and black heels.

Stepping out she wandered to the potions classroom. She was supposed to aquaint herself with it on the 31st but she had been somewhat busy. Sleeping. As she roamed she heard footsteps. Fear covered her she she pulled a wand from her tight sleeve. "Lumos." A white light shone and the footsteps halted. Suddenly a tall figure ran into her. "Why were you loitering? I could have hurt you miss Styles." The dark figure snapped. "Well professor I forgot that it is always the woman's fault when a man causes pain." He stared at her with a grim look lacing his face.

"Stubborn ungrateful..." he stopped as she looked at him with a lot of pain on her face. Her hips had landed with a cracking noise and she already had double jointed hips that caused a considerable amount of pain without jerks causing them to collide with the floor. Her eyes didn't meet his but she noticed his hand stretch out and she took it whilst whincing at the pain that ran like fire through her.

"I know it is well overdue but thank you" she said as her hand fell to her side. "I have only just helped you up how can it be overdue?" She smiled sweetly but a small part of Snape never believed her smile. His heart momentarily fell to lily and her real, genuine smile. "I am not thanking you for pushing me over. I am thanking you for helping me all those times back when I was a student here."

"Don't think yourself special I would have done the same for any student. Anyways I have no favourites." At first she just looked confused then she replied hardly managing to keep her sadistic smile in. "I didn't say I was a favourite. Anyway I know you didn't care about me. Not to mention how you used to treat me in lessons. I know out of lessons you aided me in many ways but during lessons the crucio curse seemed to hurt less than your words. 'Bumbling idiot who can't even make a potion in her third year' my potions would be the best in the class yet you always told me I was wrong whilst malfoy handed in a black potion that was supposed to be yellow. " he didn't seem pleased with her mimicking him and after she had finished the stunt he spun around and walked off to his classroom.

"Does he ever sleep? I think not." She mumbled and wandered aimlessly into her classroom.

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