He really was an a hole.

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She seemed to retreat a little too often back to her own space. Snape had left her to her thoughts. She remembered the lessons he made her suffer, yet despite all this she still loved potions. Her dreams had come true but in all her dreams so far he no longer worked at Hogwarts.

With a snap of her fingers Daisy the small house elf came to her. A little dumbfounded at first then collecting her thoughts again Daisy spoke up in a high voice which sounded very similar to that of Umbridge's. "How... how may Daisy help you today Miss Styles?" Smiling Beth lowered herself and whispered into Daisy's ear "I could really do with ice cream. Chocolate please." With a nod and a click of her fingers Daisy disappeared then reappeared holding a small tub of chocolate ice cream. A smile graced Beth's face as she picked it up. "Thank you. That is all." Daisy once again vanished and Beth sat. Alone again.

Her face lit up as she delved into the ice cream and her eyes clouded.

She was sat in potions "Yes, it is easy to see that nearly six years of magical education have not been wasted on you, Potter. Ghosts are transparent." She smirked lightly and Snape noticed "miss Styles can you answer my question?"

Feeling bold she did just that "it is a disembodied being who once lived..." only to be cut off by Snape. "Stop right there. Your stupidity astounds me." A little baffled Beth sat silently 'I answered his question why is he being such a plank?' She thought to herself. He seemed to somehow hear this and scowled at her. "Ten points from Ravenclaw for obvious delinquency." "What are you even saying?" Draco piped up. "That just doesn't make sense." A look was exchanged between the boy and the teacher which made him stop. "Thank you" she mouthed as his back was turned. Draco smiled sweetly at her. Beth always got along with the Malfoy family.

Snape walked back to his desk and called upon a student to hand out text books. Once sat down he looked around. As he did so his eyes fell upon Beth. She was so like Lily yet so not like Lily. She was strong yet more forgiving. She seemed stubborn but she wouldn't dare hurt a thing.

Beth was absent from his thoughts so knew nothing of what he felt. She had been made aware in the past of her resemblance to Harry Potters mother and later she found out from Harry himself that Snape loved Lily. She looked up having finished the task of reading and answering the questions whilst most others were still on the first of five long questions.

As her head arose she locked eyes with the professor. Sorrow masked his face then he seemed to snap and was back to his usual miserable self. "Miss Styles unless you have completed a thirty minutes task in ten, which I highly doubt you have, may I suggest you get back to work?" His voice deepened on the last four words.

"I have professor." She spoke up barely audible but enough for him who was sat only ten feet from her to hear. His neck snapped back to her and he scowled. Standing to his large feet he grabbed the paper in front of her. Moments passed when he put it back down. "I stand corrected." His face looked at it once again. He desperately searched for something to be wrong. Anything. Nothing. "Very well you may have a head start on the homework I set at the beginning of the lesson." He hissed at her and turned. For the next 20 minutes she did as he said and almost finished the homework.

The lesson ended and just before she had left she heard her name being called.

"A bloody detention. For what? Knowing your stuff about ghosts?" Ron smashed his book on the table in the library only to be shushed. "I distracted the class apparently. Anyway I have to go my detention will start soon."

As she entered the hallway leading to his classroom she started shaking. "Bull I can do this." She muttered approaching his door. She knocked twice and a fuming professor grunted for her to enter. His voice was dark and velvety.

"Ah little miss know it all second to Hermione know-it-all. Sit I will not let you leave until 500 lines of 'I will stop being insufferable' have been written.

*thud* her memory was interrupted by an empty ice cream tub. "Damn" she bellowed and binned the tub with the little plastic spoon.

Making sure it wasn't too late she went for a stroll. The sky was dark and misty. Her black leather trousers were keeping her together as she made her way to the black lake. Her white top was too thin and she shivered as the freezing air attacked her from every angle. She laid on the grass against a tree as she watched shadows scurry through the forbidden forest.

"You could catch a chill." A familiar voice mumbled behind her. She was shocked and jumped so high she landed on the roots with a loud crack. "Not if you do not give me a heart attack first Mr Snape." She blurted as she turned her whole body to face him.

He lowered a hand to help her up but he was only pulled down to her. "Professor if I get dirty I want you to know I will be heartily annoyed." She smiled knowingly at him. To be honest she didn't know anything and there was nothing to know but she didn't care. "What are you doing out here then?" She asked arching a brow Mcgonagall would be proud of. "I saw a female wander outside wearing next to nothing. I assumed it was a student judging by the lack of clothes and came to reprimand them." he stated in a matter of fact tone.

"I never thought of you as a fashion guru but I suppose the more you know." She smiled a mischievous smile and edged closer to him. He was warm and she was frozen. They were not touching but he was close enough for her to feel his heat radiate against her thin clothes. "I don't know what you mean but what I can say is that you are positively frozen. Your teeth are louder than a first year upon seeing nearly headless nick for the first time." She smiled trying to comfort him which only made the chattering louder. "I like the cold it makes me feel again." She looked at his eyes that were full of concern. "If you keep going like this there will be nothing left to feel now let me take you into the castle. Surely you can admire the beauty of the grounds from inside where it is warmer." He broke eye contact and rose to his feet and practically picked Beth up. "Am I allowed to concent to this or not? That's what she said." Her voice would have been better heard by a dead corpse. Snape didn't even acknowledge the joke about consent.

Once she was placed to her feet, a few seconds later, he removed his cape and placed it around her. She held it close and the smell of fire whiskey filled her nares. "Are you an alcoholic?" She blurted out before she realised what she had said. "Don't be stupid." He turned to face her stopping in his tracks. She stopped to talk with him. "Then why do you always smell of fire whiskey? I mean I love a small drink now and then but you always seem to radiate it. Even when I was a student. Everyone with half a wit could smell the stench." His face seemed confused. She couldn't see a reason why but he was actually confused by her utter lack of bother given. He used to strike fear in her heart now he strikes a pose as a 'fashion guru'. "What ever that means." He mumbled but Beth just ignored it.

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