Baby boy NO!

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Beth awoke with a start. Launching to her feet she realised the small boy was still asleep so she left the room quietly. Still in her Pajamas she sat in the kitchen. Upon opening the bag that had been given to her she found nappies and wet wipes. *snap* *pop* Daisy the house elf appeared. "Could you grab an apple and a yogurt with a spoon please? Also can the spoon be small?" Daisy nodded and *pop* she was gone.

A little while later Beth snuck into the room and dressed. As soon as she was dressed she realised Henry had begun to wake up. She reached into the cot holding the young screaming child and picked him up. He sat comfortably on her hip and rested his head on her shoulder that was exposed as she wore a top with sleeves that was shoulder less but started on her arms. Her black short dungarees that she also had on made the pressure of the little head on Styles shoulder a little painful as he pressed into her buckle.

When the two were in the kitchen Henry was more awake so he was placed on the side whilst Beth stood in front of him so he didn't fall. The yogurt was quickly eaten along with the apple. He ate rather quickly for a young child. Once fed Beth wiped his face with a muslin from the bag. She also dressed him quickly. He wore sweet fabric dungarees like her with a white shirt attached.

 He wore sweet fabric dungarees like her with a white shirt attached

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Beneath he still wore a vest just to keep warm. She smiled sweetly at his face. "This outfit almost makes up for the nappy I just changed." She joked and he laughed almost as though he got the joke. His sweet blue shoes were matching.

 His sweet blue shoes were matching

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He wore small white socks beneath. Once he was dressed Beth placed a pair of black 12 inch heels on. Her feet were used to heels by now. Beth had done her makeup whilst she fed the baby. His smile was sweet and she lost herself in his eyes. "MAMA" the one year old kept shouting as she tickled him. Once happy he was dressed Styles picked him up and he sat once again on her hip as they walked to the great Hall.  She would feed him a little more. His sweet green eyes were just like all of the girls in her family. His nose was also small and rounded.  His face was picturesque.

As she walked into the great Hall she realised she had to sit next to Snape but luckily Mini was the other side. Sighing she sat down. "Snape." She harshly said. "Mini." Her whole face twisted into one of those smiles. She received a grunt in response from Snape and a welcoming and loving response from Mini. "How is he doing?" The Scottish female asked eagerly. "Fine. He slept more than I did. I mean that isn't exactly difficult to be fair." She quietly spoke the last sentence she didn't want anyone to hear and only the two next to her heard but for her that was two too many.

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